music in the park, psychedelic furs

Saint Mary School
spaghetti dinner
– Saint Mary School is hosting a spaghetti dinner on Friday, May
2. Take-out meals are ready at 4:30 p.m. with sit-down served from
5 to 8 p.m. at the Saint Mary School gym, located at 15 First
Saint Mary School

spaghetti dinner

GILROY – Saint Mary School is hosting a spaghetti dinner on Friday, May 2. Take-out meals are ready at 4:30 p.m. with sit-down served from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Saint Mary School gym, located at 15 First St. The dinner is all you can eat and includes spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, wine or punch and dessert. Children can eat for $5, adults are $7. Proceeds benefit the science lab. For ticket information, call 842-2827.

Meet author at Wize Owl

GILROY – Author and nonprofit attorney Tom Turner will give an informative presentation and discussion based on his book “Justice on Earth” at the Wize Owl Book-store Wed-nesday, April 30, at 6:30 p.m. Turner specializes in matters of toxic dumping, deforestation, and corporate and government environmental abuse. He will answer questions and sign books. Details: 848-9090.

Hotshots rummage sale

GILROY – Gilroy Hotshots is having a fund-raiser garage sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 3, at the Krazy Koyote, 8337 Church St. Details: 848-2105.

Run for the symphony

SAN JUAN BAUTISTA – The third annual de Anza Trail 8k run/walk will take place on Saturday, May 3, at 8:45 a.m. at the de Anza Trailhead on Old Stage Road. Net proceeds will go to the South Valley Symphony which is staging the event as a fund raiser.

Registration is $25 with shirt and $15 with no shirt. The race will go on rain or shine. Participants can register at, allsportrunning.

com or www.southvalleysym- Race divisions will be according to age for both men and women. Medals will be awarded to the top three finishers for all divisions.

Co-sponsors include Gavilan Joggers and Striders, National Park Service, San Benito Bank, Windmill Market and Pride of San Juan.

Perchlorate meeting

GILROY – Join the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Santa Clara Valley Water District at an informational meeting on the perchlorate contamination of groundwater wells in the southern part of Santa Clara County. The meeting will be Saturday, May 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Gavilan College campus, 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd. Because of the importance of the issue, they are holding the event at a large facility where the public can have greater access to information. A number of specialists have been invited to address the concerns of the community. There will be three topics presented:

• Olin case investigation and cleanup.

• Health and agriculture issues.

• Cleanup technologies (state, federal and local)

Forums will be held in the student center, science theater and outdoors in a large tent. All three topics will be presented at each location. The speakers will rotate to each location so the audience can remain in one place.

Details: (888) HEY-NOAH or

VTA planning meeting

GILROY – The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority is holding a meeting to provide the public an opportunity to participate in the development of the Fiscal Year 2004 budget. Come to City Hall’s Council Chambers, 7351 Rosanna St. on Thursday, May 8, at 6 p.m. for an informational open house.

Stop smoking!

MORGAN HILL – Community Solutions is holding free classes and assistance to stop smoking at El Toro Youth Center, 17620 Crest Ave. at 6 p.m. Session one which focuses on motivation to quit, identifying triggers and situations, withdrawal symptoms and setting a quit date will be held on Thursday, May 1 and June 5. Session two which focuses on the do’s and don’ts of quitting will be held Thursday, May 8 and June 12. Details: 779-6002.

Kids discover arts

GILROY – This year’s “Kids Discover Arts” festival will be held on Saturday, May 10, at Wheeler Community Center. This annual “hands-on” arts festival is a free, day-long event where children ages 5 to 11 can experience all media of the visual arts. Over 25 workshops led by volunteer artisans from the Gilroy area, including fine arts, ethnic art and art using natural and recycled materials are available for all to enjoy. Those interested in participating can pre-register through Wednesday, May 8, at Community Services, 7351 Rosanna St., and should arrive at the festival at 9 a.m. Others should arrive at 10 a.m. Organizers are also seeking neck ties to be used in one of the art projects. Neck-tie donations can be dropped off at Community Services. Details: 846-0460.

Fly-in for Cinco De Mayo

SAN MARTIN – The Cinco de Mayo Wings of History will fly into the South County Airport on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4, from sunup to sundown. There will be plane rides, displays, food, free admission to the museum and much more. Details: 779-9444.

News Items: Please fax local news items to City Editor Jodi Engle at 842-2206, e-mail to ed****@ga****.com or mail to 6400 Monterey St. Gilroy.

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