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Poor President Bush … he’s in a hot spot because he believes
that same-sex marriages should be banned by constitutional

Poor President Bush … he’s in a hot spot because he believes that same-sex marriages should be banned by constitutional amendment.

I do not believe a constitutional amendment is necessary. Why not, by executive order, just de-fund any court supporting acts of same-sex marriage. Executive order is a handy tool to sidestep the law.

Look at former President Clinton. By executive order, he bypassed the law that disallowed the transfer of strategic guidance elements outside the United States. He allowed the export of strategic guidance elements to the Chinese.

I think some facts of life are due for review; to help support President Bush’s position on same-sex marriages.

Same-sex marriages are between two homosapiens of the same sex. There is a correlation between homosexuality and the disease AIDS. The first report of aids in the United States was in 1983. At that time, Surgeon General Koop, quoting from a report by the Center for Disease Control, announced there were 2,800 cases of aids documented. Of these, 85 percent were among homosexuals, 12.5 percent among drug-addicts, and 2.5 percent were victims of accidental inoculation via blood transfusion or needle stick. Draw your own conclusion: homosexuals introduced the disease AIDS into this country.

Recently, the Department of Health in San Francisco reported a four-fold increase in syphilis among the homosexuals.

Such information is widely suppressed; it’s hush, hush. It’s never brought up in our educational classes. Morgan Hill Department of Education was recently fined a $1 million because the administration failed to protect homosexual students from harassment and assault by classmates. In addition, the school was ordered to institute classes for introduction on tolerance. The students were to be taught that homosexuality was but another form of acceptable lifestyle.

This is a manifestation of the degeneration of morals and ethics in our society that President Bush recognizes.

J.G. McCormack, Gilroy

Submitted Tuesday, March 9

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