music in the park, psychedelic furs

Well, I noticed on Thursday that Stuart Allen rubbed his two
brain cells together and wrote another letter against unions.

Well, I noticed on Thursday that Stuart Allen rubbed his two brain cells together and wrote another letter against unions. Strangely, it went on and on about the wonderful Romans (didn’t they destroy themselves?) and then something confusing came out at the end about unions. Doing better takes three brain cells at least.

I watched the union pull two family members out of heat as I grew up. One got fired then rehired after a union-forced investigation, and another one was put on leave for destroying a Lockheed test missile until union pressure again, got an engineer to admit he ordered the wrong test settings. The engineer was then gone, and the tech rehired with a clean record.

I also remember my mother, an artist with a union job in an airplane factory get “the man’s job” driving a crane because of the union. The men were furious when a woman with union seniority didn’t step aside for the next man on the list. Isn’t that called “being ahead of its time” or is that just wrong to protect a woman? And wasn’t it the union that in San Jose some years ago, caused a rage because the female administrator in charge of the entire county library system was paid less than the male gardener trimming the bushes?

These are raw facts and stories. It’s so obvious. Mr. Allen, that you just swallow the raw tuna fish of the extreme right, and toss it back at us.

Extreme conservatives are hard against equality, against Social Security, and currently, against sensible economics (huge deficits, war and then … a tax cut?). As a cover, they whine about family values. Funny how that applies to Clinton but not “I’m just so playful” Arnold. Clinton said he inhaled (a stretch). Arnie said to took drugs, flat out. But – shock – neither REALLY matters does it? Transition now, Mr. Allen back to the union issue.

Please try again.

Tony Weiler, Gilroy

Submitted Friday, April 30 to ed****@ga****.com

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