When Gray Davis took office as the governor of California, I
said to myself
Thank God, we will never have another Republican governor
As some of us still remember, we had just completed 16
consecutive years with a Republican in the governor’s mansion.
When Gray Davis took office as the governor of California, I said to myself “Thank God, we will never have another Republican governor again.” As some of us still remember, we had just completed 16 consecutive years with a Republican in the governor’s mansion.
California is unique as we have given the governor the power of the “line item veto.” This means that the governor can pick and choose which items remain in, or are deleted from the state budget. This power allows the governor to dictate to the state Assembly what direction the state will take in fiscal matters. The governor does not actually have to use this veto power, but can threaten to use it to scare the legislators into doing things as he chooses.
As an example, California Education went from 20th to 40th during that time.
During those 16 years California went from near the top of the list of states in education, infrastructure (roads, highways, streets, parks and bridges), and one of the most desirable places to live.
When Davis came into office, he tried to correct for the 16 years of state mismanagement. Perhaps he was too enthusiastic in this endeavor, but he has been able to raise California’s position in education back to 29th.
He is working hard to overcome the neglect that occurred in the other areas that the Republican governors created.
It took nearly 16 years to dismantle our great state. I suggest that we give Gray Davis at least eight years to try and restore it.
After all, just look at the mess that our Republican friends are now making in Washington D.C.
We NEVER EVER will need another Republican governor.
Jack Dwan, Gilroy
Submitted Monday, Sept. 29 to ed****@ga****.com