music in the park, psychedelic furs

Recently, I celebrated a 70th birthday with a friend I’ve known for 65 years. Circumstances had her move to Florida from New York, after hurricane Sandy devastated our small beach town on Long Island. 

It was sad for me to see how this move away from friends and family has changed her happy and content life into one of inconvenience and unrest. 

Thinking about it, I realize it is because she had lost her “community.” We all long for connection and a sense of belonging and my dear friend was in a new place with nothing familiar. 

I am so blessed by the closeness I have with my church family. 

There is a Greek term used to describe the fellowship, unity, contribution, participation and sharing that one feels with those who love God and love others. 

Koinonia involves a close association that binds together believers in Jesus Christ at the deepest levels of the heart. Each member of the church has been called into this relationship, uniting them in a common mission with God’s Son by the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians 1:9, Philippians 2:1).

It is a partnership of working together as a team, which is mutually beneficial to both sides. 

From the very beginning of creation, God created us for community and friendship. 

He wanted us to be in a relationship with other people (Genesis 2:18). 

He intended for us to work together and help each other through life. We were created to share the burdens of life together. The book of Ecclesiastes tells us about many things that one person cannot do alone. 

We need others to pick us up when we fall, encourage us when we’re down, help accomplish tasks in life that are greater than us. 

Five years ago when my husband passed, I know I could not have walked through that most difficult season in my life without my church family. We are united by blood, not biologically, but by the blood of Jesus Christ. 

This unique relationship does not come from walking alone with God and worshiping Him in the mountains or by the seaside. 

I’m not saying time alone with God in the majestic masterpieces that He created is not worthwhile and spiritual. I am advocating the importance of gathering together with His children in His house, a local church (Hebrews 2:11-13; 10:24-25, Matthew 18:20, Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 4:3,11-13, Acts 2:42-47; 9:31-32). 

The holidays are upon us and that comes with family gatherings where there can be excessive drinking, personality clashes, judgment and abuse that can cause anxiety and pressures. There may be tension from “blended’ families, new marriages or lack of validation from a spouse. Many may want to avoid the situation and not deal with family dynamics. 

The one family I can always depend upon to be walking alongside me, supporting and guiding me, is the family of God. We are refined and strengthened with our Godly church family (Proverbs 27:17). 

If you are longing for this family of kinship, closeness and community, Please email me… fr*********@gm***.com 

I close, in the fruit of the spirit given to all believers: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness & self control (Galatians 5:22-23). 

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