music in the park, psychedelic furs

The Edge returns from an adventurous vacation to find more of
the same losing ways in the Bay Area
Since I just know my loyal readers are wondering where that wonderful mug shot has been lately, I can assure both of you there’s no need to worry.

I haven’t been run out of town. Haven’t accepted the beat writer job for the Cleveland Browns. Haven’t been killed by a mob of crazed Raider fans angered that I softened their ruthless reputation.

I simply took a nice little holiday vacation back to Tennessee. And now I’m back.

Please don’t get too excited.

See, just because I was on vacation doesn’t mean I took a break from sports. Somewhere between my 23-hour U.S. airport tour to get to Memphis and my only-slightly-less-delayed trek on the way back, I witnessed a plethora of sporting activity.

Along with several of my college buddies, who convened all at once to create the perfect storm at my parents’ house, I saw my Memphis Grizzlies stage a stirring comeback against the Celtics.

Then it was off to two bowl games in less than 24 hours. First, it was a battle of top-10 teams in a thrilling Liberty Bowl, a 44-40 Louisville win over Boise State.

And from there it was straight to Dallas, in what turned out to be a 10-hour drive in a car stuffed to five. Going on about three hours of sleep over a two-day stretch, we somehow managed to pry our eyes open for the Cotton Bowl’s absurd 10am kickoff.

Turns out it was well worth it – even the ushering-in-2005-at-an-Applebee’s-in-Arkansas part. Our boys from the University of Tennessee served the Big 12 with the first of several Bowl-week embarassments in a 38-7 laugher over Texas A&M.

In this crazy week, there were also three trips to the casino, as well my clutch winner-take-all Texas Hold ‘Em victory over a group of childhood friends.

So it was sports, and then it was more sports. Poker not a sport, you say? Oh, yes it is. Because ESPN says it is. And ESPN invented sports.

So anyway, that’s enough about my experiences with the sporting world over the holidays. How were yours?

Well, let’s see …

– The Cal football team lost as a double-digit favorite, and then got to watch one of the greatest Rose Bowls of all-time.

– The Bay Area’s ol’ reliable, the Stanford men’s basketball team, continued to plunge further into mediocrity.

– The Niners didn’t win a game.

– The Raiders didn’t win a game.

– The Warriors won a game, but lost a few, too.

– The Yorks still own the Niners.

– Al Davis still owns the Raiders.

– Chris Cohan still owns the Warriors.

– Steve Schott still owns the A’s.

See a pattern yet? You get the point.

Please understand that I really don’t like talking about myself in this column. But I just didn’t think you wanted me talking about the area sports scene at this point.

So merry late Christmas everyone.

And if you’re a local sports fan …

Well, here’s wishing you a happier New Year.

– Brett Edgerton is a columnist for South Valley Newspapers. He can be reached at be*******@gi************.com.

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