music in the park, psychedelic furs

I would like to thank all the people who helped St. Joseph’s
Family Center provide nutritious Thanksgiving food baskets to over
550 low-income families last week. These same individuals enabled
us to serve a tradition holiday meal to more than 300 homeless and
low-income individuals on Thanksgiving Day.
Dear Editor:

I would like to thank all the people who helped St. Joseph’s Family Center provide nutritious Thanksgiving food baskets to over 550 low-income families last week. These same individuals enabled us to serve a tradition holiday meal to more than 300 homeless and low-income individuals on Thanksgiving Day.

About 10 days ago, the staff at St. Joseph’s was becoming anxious. We only had a few dozen turkeys in our freezers.

As if there should be any doubt, the generous community of Gilroy responded to our emergency. Citizens from every corner of the city came into donate canned food, turkeys, financial assistance or their valuable time.

The Boy Scouts raised over 2,000 pounds of food through their annual food drive. Local businesses like Lynch Ford challenged every employee to donate a turkey. Nob Hill was extremely generous with matching many of the purchases that were made by community members.

More than 100 volunteers assisted all week long to make sure things ran smoothly and that every family we served left happy. My favorite story came from one woman who brought in four large turkeys on Monday. She said she had gone to purchase them at a supermarket only to find out the “special advertised price” limited one turkey per family.

“That did not deter me,” she said. “I simply went in and out of the store four times, making sure I went to a different cashier each time!”

I would also like to recognize The Dispatch for their coverage of our programs.

On a weekly basis, the local newspaper does its best to keep the community informed on the many good deeds, fundraisers and general interest stories throughout the community. We could not have been as successful as we were without The Dispatch’s participation.

“Thanksgiving” is not only a time to be thankful for what we have, but thankful for the opportunity to give as well.

The people of Gilroy demonstrate this spirit over and over again. It is the goal of St. Joseph’s to continue working hard and compassionately so that we can merit such friendship.

David Cox, Gilroy, director St. Joseph’s Family Center

Submitted Sunday, Dec. 1 to ed****@ga****.com

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