music in the park, psychedelic furs

As a salesperson, I have tremendous talent and can run circles
around almost anyone. But about two months ago, I started a job
where my abilities don’t seem to be appreciated.

As a salesperson, I have tremendous talent and can run circles around almost anyone. But about two months ago, I started a job where my abilities don’t seem to be appreciated.

My manager feels the need to comment constantly on whatever I’m doing. He accuses me of thinking I know everything. He also says he can’t talk to me because I’m defensive. This is totally uncalled for, because I really am open to feedback. If the manager is right, I have no problem admitting it. However, I think he wants me to always agree, even when I believe he’s wrong.

I come into work feeling great and motivated to achieve, but he immediately destroys my mood. I’m OK with the job itself, but I can’t deal with this harassment.


I don’t know who’s right or wrong here, but I do know who’s likely to win this argument. You are a brand-new employee with no track record. Even if your manager is an idiot, at the moment he has more power than you.

The bottom line is that you simply don’t have much leverage yet. So instead of wasting energy arguing with your boss, concentrate on leverage-building activities, like making big sales and bagging new customers.

Once you’ve demonstrated your value, you’ll be in a better position to offer opinions. Until then, however, you need to bite your tongue. Being viewed as a disrespectful know-it-all will not advance your career.

When you say you’re “OK with the job itself,” you’ve overlooked the fact that your manager is part of the job. Getting along with the boss is a basic requirement in any position, even if that boss is annoying.

If you truly have stellar selling skills, there’s no need to tell your manager how good you are. Your results will soon send the message loud and clear.


I was assaulted and raped several years ago, right before I graduated from college. This incident emotionally crippled me for a long time, but I am now able to function again. However, I really don’t want to explain this to potential employers. What do I say?


I’m so glad that you’ve recovered from your traumatic experience and feel ready to rejoin the world.

Although interviewers will certainly question your long post-college resume gap, you have no obligation to provide details. Instead of waiting for them to ask, address the topic with a simple statement.

For example: “At the time I finished college, I was injured in a violent crime, and my recovery was slow. I don’t like to talk about what happened, but I’m perfectly fine now, with no residual problems. And I’m very interested in joining your company.”

To establish a record of reliability, consider taking volunteer or contract positions during your job search. That will help to alleviate any concerns about your readiness for work.If your colleague was playing music or talking on a speakerphone, you might have a legitimate complaint. But computer typing is normal office background noise.

I suspect the real problem is not the typing, but your feelings about this woman.

Because of past conflicts, you’re primed to be annoyed by almost anything she does.

Consider this question: if a friend was typing reports in the next cubicle, would you find that equally irritating? If not, then you need to work on your attitude.

And by the way, if you’re focused on your own work, how do you know what she’s writing?

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