music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor:
With the defeat of Hussien’s Royal Guards and the occupation of
Baghdad, now comes the real problem. Who will control the country
and rebuild Baghdad
– absent Saddam’s ruling elite?
Dear Editor:

With the defeat of Hussien’s Royal Guards and the occupation of Baghdad, now comes the real problem. Who will control the country and rebuild Baghdad – absent Saddam’s ruling elite? One may rest assured that the rule and reconstruction of Iraq will be turned over to the United Nations. With access and control of the oil’s billions of dollars, the U.N. will not want for money or publicity as a humanitarian organization.

With the U.N. in charge, financed by oil, this fulfills the intent of the Iraqi War. All that pre-war criticism of the U.N. – being gutless and U.N.cooperative – will be revealed as the sham it was. Installing the U.N. to rule Iraq is a major step in the drive toward the New World Order. The U.N. was, from its beginning, designed to be the framework upon which to build a One World Order. The United States would furnish the military might necessary in the world conquest.

Let’s look at the U.N. and its charter. Initiated in 1945 by the communist Algier Hiss, it has grown and grown, extending its worldly powers. The Korean War, the Vietnam War, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Grenada and the 1990 Desert War were all fought under the U.N. banner.

The Constitution of the U.S. and the Bill of Rights state that the rights we have are endowed by our Creator (not a product of evolution). We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (originally it said “property” rather than the “pursuit of happiness”). These endowed rights include the right to assembly, free speech and religious freedom – from government control.

Looking at the U.N. Charter, we find it is a Godless document. Under the charter, we have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion except where prohibited by law. Who’s law?

Laws under the U.N. Charter are laws dictated by the Assembly and the Security Council. Security Council and assembly members are not democratically elected, usually self-appointed and almost wholly political in nature. These men gather from all over the world, few of which have any knowledge of the role of Christianity in the development of Western Civilization and its benefits to mankind – such as freedom, security and property rights.

As the U.N. administers post-war Iraq with the benefit of oil money, the might of the U.S. Army and propaganda of our world media, the sovereignty of the U.S. and other free states is seriously threatened. There is much more than meets the eye. You would do well to read the U.N. Charter, then compare it with our Constitution and Bill of Rights in detail. Whether you believe it or not, the future of our grandchildrens’ freedom lies at stake.

J.G. McCormack, Gilroy

Submitted Monday, April 7

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