music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor:
Keeping residents safe at home, in the neighborhoods and at work
is the primary job of local government.
Dear Editor:

Keeping residents safe at home, in the neighborhoods and at work is the primary job of local government. That’s why on Tuesday, Nov. 4, we feel strongly that you should vote for Russ Valiquette for City Council.

Supported by both Gilroy firefighters and police officers, Valiquette is dedicated to improving fire, police and paramedic response times to emergencies. He’s also devoted to get our local economy moving and back on track.

I’ve known Russ for more than 12 years, and believe strongly that he has the character, commitment and leadership skills to improve the quality of life in Gilroy. On Tuesday, please cast your vote for the candidate who has the trust of the men and women sworn to protect your safety, Russ Valiquette.

Art Amaro, President, Gilroy firefighters

Submitted Monday, Oct. 27 to ed****@ga****.com

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