music in the park, psychedelic furs

On Saturday, Oct. 21, I recommended no votes on all propositions
and measures except for props 83, 85, and 90.
On Saturday, Oct. 21, I recommended no votes on all propositions and measures except for props 83, 85, and 90. The following week, I recommended various candidates. Any reader interested in my reasons may read both columns on

Today, I recommend the “other” candidates: i.e., ones I knew nothing about last week or carelessly overlooked.

These are mostly judicial candidates, and we only get to vote yes to elect or no to not elect them to the office appointed. These candidates always get in, so it is very safe to vote no or not vote at all if you are unsure.

Associate Judge of the Supreme Court Joyce C. Kennard: NO. She is pro-abortion and anti-parental rights.

Associate Judge of the Supreme Court Carol Corrigan: no information; no recommendation.

Presiding Justice, Court of Appeals, 6th Appellate District Conrad Rushing: YES. (Actually, one of my informants hesitated when I reeled off this name and hedged'”Well, I know nothing about his politics.”

“However … ?” I pressed.

“However, I have argued before him, and he is an excellent judge.”

“Then we want him.”

Think about it. A competent, nay, an excellent judge, who does not make his political views apparent from the bench. YES. Absolutely.)

Associate Justice, Court of Appeals, 6th Appellate District, Nathan Mihara. YES.

Associate Justice, Court of Appeals, 6th Appellate District, Richard McAdams: no information; no recommendation.

Associate Justice, Court of Appeals, 6th Appellate District, Wendy Duffy, YES.

No recommendation for the race between Michele McCoy and Tim Pitzker for Judge of Superior Court Office Number 13. They both sound good in their statements, but every judge wanna-be tries to sound tough on murderers and child molesters. It is a popular election year stance.

Then they get onto the bench and give perverts who molest little 11-year-old girls wimpy little 150 day sentences, as Superior Court Judge Steven Sanders of San Benito County demonstrated recently. Impeach the bastard. Or at least hang him in effigy. But I digress.

Lastly, for Santa Clara County Office of Education, south valley’s own Jane Howard.

If you, dear reader, do not care to read my careful reasoning, if you just want my recommendations so that you can do the same or the direct opposite, then I recommend a straight Republican ticket for partisan offices.

Non-partisan offices are a bit trickier: you should really read my Oct. 28 column if you are planning to vote against my choices, or you could find yourself overlooking a perfectly good Democrat. (Yes, there is at least one in the following list.)

Gavilan District: Kent Child.

Gilroy Unified School District: Tom Bundros and Denise Apuzzo.

District Attorney: Dolores Carr.

Water District: Ram Singh.

This election is too close to call. It is all going to hinge on voter turnout. Iraq, Iran, and Korea hang in the balance. There are life and death issues on this ballot, and property rights and the education of future generations.

“So what kind of government have you given us, Mr. Franklin?” a woman is supposed to have asked Benjamin as he left the Constitutional Convention.

“A Republic, Madam – if you can keep it.”

Tuesday we will see if we can keep this fragile experiment we call freedom running a little longer.

n n n

In other news, Operation Interdependence will be packaging Thanksgiving Day Treats for the Troops on Sunday, Nov. 5, from 2 to 5pm, at 8075 Camino Arroyo, Gilroy, (which is behind the old Wal-Mart)

O.I. is unique in that they make a point of sending 50 letters (hugs from home) to a platoon of 50 troops. No one is left out. Everyone counts.

O.I. welcomes donations of snack size jerky, sunflower seeds, assorted nuts and letters.

If you don’t have time to help package on Sunday, you can still write a letter. Letter drop off points in Gilroy are 1st Street Coffee, Sue’s Coffee Roasting Company, Nob Hill Foods and St. Mary’s.

Sunday’s packaging volunteers will be treated to a free three-band concert by Andoni Bundros from Five Minutes to Freedom, and Zachary Allen and his band Rock Solid, a classic rock youth band, and 3D, a youth band.

For more information, go to or contact co-area managers, Karen Humber, 848-2630, kh*****@oi********.org, or Susan Hamilton, 847-3079, sh*******@oi********.org.

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