music in the park san jose

First, let me say thank you to Margaret Baker for caring enough
to pick up the stray kittens. I’m glad that this circumstance has
again brought up the issue about what to do with stray/abandoned
Dear Editor,

First, let me say thank you to Margaret Baker for caring enough to pick up the stray kittens. I’m glad that this circumstance has again brought up the issue about what to do with stray/abandoned animals.

I have been a volunteer at the Town Cats shelter for over five years. We are a non-profit that is staffed by volunteers. Most of us have full time jobs, families and commitments, just like you do. Since the facility is not staffed 24/7, it is quicker to e-mail if you require a quicker response. Be aware though, that you are not the only person requesting assistance. Every evening after she has worked all day at her “other” job, our director, Rosi Mirko, checks the e-mails and phone messages. The number of messages is overwhelming. With the assistance of other volunteers, she returns messages by phone and e-mail long into the evening. We also pick up animals from the vet, and from people who have called and needed assistance. In one evening, we picked up two litters of kittens from Gilroy, two litters from Morgan Hill, two litters from San Jose and four adult cats.

I don’t think most people realize the enormity of the problem with unwanted/stray animals. Town Cats is a “no-kill” shelter so the cats we take in are there until they are adopted. We take in as many cats as we can. When one is adopted out, another one can be taken in. Yes, the County Animal Shelter in San Martin is nice and has a good rate of adoptions. Their facility can be seen from U.S. 101, so most people have seen it’s size. How many animals do you think can fit in that shelter?

It’s nice to think that you can solve the problem by just saying they should just take all of the unwanted animals, no matter where they come from. And just who is going to pay for building a bigger shelter to house these one-time pets and who is going to pay for their food and care? It’s not “their” problem, it’s our problem.

Until people neuter their pets this will be a never ending cycle of pain and death. Do you own an animal? Has it been neutered or have you been “too busy.” Own a male cat or dog? It takes two to produce offspring. Please don’t tell me about how you’re always able to give away your kittens/puppies. For every house that takes in one of yours, one at the shelter does not find a home and may be euthanized.

Marie Barnes, Gilroy

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