music in the park, psychedelic furs

… Exiit (there went out) edictum (an edict) a Caesare Augusto
(from Caesar Augustus; well, of course his name would be the same;
Romans spoke Latin) ut describeretur universus orbis (something,
something about writing or describing, the whole world.)
… Exiit (there went out) edictum (an edict) a Caesare Augusto (from Caesar Augustus; well, of course his name would be the same; Romans spoke Latin) ut describeretur universus orbis (something, something about writing or describing, the whole world.)

Haec descriptio (This writing or describing, whatever it was) prima facta est (first made was, made like in a factory) a praeside Syriae Cyrino (during the presidency or something of Syria by Cyrino): et ibant (and they went) omnes (everyone) ut profiterentur (for profit? huh?) singuli (singly) in suam civitatem (into his own city.)

Ascendit autem et Ioseph (and Joseph went up, ascended) de civitate Nazareth in Iudeam (from the city of Nazareth in Judah) in civitatem David (into the city of David) quae vocatur Bethlehem (which is called Bethlehem): eo quod esset de domo (because he was of the house) et familia David (and family of David) ut profiteretur cum Maria (there’s that profit word again; with Mary) desponsata sibi (hmmmm) uxore praegnante (uxorious, to be fond of a wife, so, his wife, pregnant.)

Factum est autem (well, it must be “It came to pass;” it was made so?) cum essent ibi (with they were there? while they were there, maybe) impleti sunt (implemented were) dies ut pareret (days of her something about childbirth or preparation; well, that makes sense.)

Et peperit filium suum primogenitum, (and something son her firstborn,) et pannis eum involvit (and something, swaddling clothes, I guess, him involved, convoluted, wrapped, I guess) et reclinavit eum in praesepio (and reclined him in a manger, I guess; is it a praesepio because it is set before the animals?) quia non erat eis locus in diversorio (something no was something place in something; is an inn a diversorio because you go there when you are diverted from your home or because it’s diverting, entertaining?)

Et pastores erant in regione (and pastors, shepherds, were in the region) eadem vigilantes (something vigilant) et custodientes vigilias noctis (and taking care of, keeping watch, by night, nocturnal) super gregem suum (over flocks theirs — how funny! gregarious, sociable and friendly, like a flock of sheep!)

Et ecce angelus Domini (and the angel of the Lord) steti iuxta illos (stood juxtaposed them) et claritas Dei ( and the clarity of the Lord) circumfulsit illos (went around them,) et timuerunt timore magno (and they were timid with a great timidity. Well, I’d be afraid, too.)

Et dixit illos angelus (and said, like the Spanish decir, to them, like ellos, the angel) Nolite timore: (don’t be timid) ecce enim evangelizo (something something good news) vobis gaudium magnum (to you joy great) quod erit omni populo (something something all people:)

Quia natus est vobis hodie Salvator (there born is to you this day a Savior,) quia est Christus Dominus (who is Christ the Lord) in civitate David (in the city of David.)

Et hoc vobis signum (and this to you a sign:) Invenietis infantum pannis involutum (something infant swaddling clothes wrapped) et positum in praesepio (and positioned in a manger.)

Et subito facta est cum angelo (and something made is with angel) multitudo miltiae caelistis (multitude military celestial, oh, the heavenly host, I forgot that a host is an army) laudantium Deum (praising God) et dicentium (and saying:) Gloria in altissimis Deo (glory to God in the highest,) et in terra pax (and in earth peace) hominibus bonae voluntatis (men good will.)

Et factum est (and, hey, maybe it’s “And the fact is…” – that jibes with “It came to pass…) ut discesserunt ab eis angeli in caelum (well, something about the angels in heaven) pastores loquebantur (the shepards, loquacious, spoke) ad invicem, ( to, hmmm:)

Transeamus usque Bethlehem (transit us something Bethlehem,) et videamus (and let us see) hoc verbum (this word) quod factum est (what the fact is,) quod Dominus ostendit nobis (that the Lord something to us.)

Et venerunt festinantes (and they came somehow) et invenerunt Maria, et Ioseph, et infantum positum in praesepio (and something Mary, and Joseph, and the infant positioned in the manger…. )

Et reversi sunt pastores (and back went the shepherds) glorificantes et laudantes Deum (glorifying and praising God) in omnibus quae audiverant et viderant (to everyone who they heard or saw) sicut dictum est ad illos (something the word that was to them.)

Merry Christmas.

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