music in the park, psychedelic furs

A transportation attorney reminded the Nation 144 years ago,

A house divided against itself cannot stand.


A transportation attorney reminded the Nation 144 years ago, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Jeers to VTA transit socialists pasting band-aids on their malignant tumors. Cheers to paying for your own transportation.

Jeers to those transit-subsidy recipients who demand that their neighbors pay 99% of the cost of those rides so that they only pay VTA’s unremunerative 1% (of generally accepted accounting principles) fares.

Cheers to believers in private property rights, e.g., Washington, Franklin, Madison, Hamilton, Jefferson.

Jeers to the idea that no tax is too great to achieve socialism’s Utopia.

Cheers to self-sufficient people who don’t demand transit welfare.

Jeers to the sophistry of the Politico-Transit Alliance, who blame motorists for everything from ozone holes, global warming and social injustice to potholes, asthma epidemics, and unaffordable housing.

Cheers to any member of the Assembly who has the guts to demand an end to Enron-style accounting practices at our transit agencies.

If we are going to repeal the Constitution, prohibit private property, adopt the Marx-Engles-Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin-Diridon-Gage theory of publicly-owned everything, let’s go. The sooner we do the sooner the revolution that will restore sanity. Let’s not drag it out for 80 years the way the Soviets did.

Joe Thompson, Gilroy

Submitted Friday, Dec. 6

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