Bob Garcia offers some motivational words to young Gilroy Pop Warner players at an Aug. 8 event at a local practice. Photo: Tony Alanis

Bob Garcia is known to most around Gilroy as “Coach Garcia.” Whenever he speaks to a crowd of highly anticipated listeners, as was the case Thursday, Aug. 8 at a Gilroy Pop Warner practice, you can always count on Coach Garcia delivering the goods like no other.  

He immediately captures the audience’s undivided attention with his one of a kind variation of octave pitch, his unique inspirational message, and his undeniable presence.  

As far back as I can remember, as a young boy growing up In Gilroy, hanging out with one of my best friends, his son Jeff and I would listen to him speak to his teams over and over through the years, and we never got tired of listening. Bob Garcia never failed to deliver! He always exceeded everyone’s expectations. I believe he did it again today! 

Coach Garcia, who has endured unimaginable family tragedy in his personal life, won a National Football Championship at Gavilan College in 1973 and coached several other highly successful football teams over the years. His son, Jeff, who he coached and made it to the pinnacle of professional sports as a quarterback in the NFL, is still married to his beautiful and lovely wife Linda, and cherishes his strong relationship with his two beautiful daughters Jene and Melissa, continuing to impart true and deep wisdom to the youth of our community.  

“These young and impressionable kids, who participate in this great game, and those young ladies, who do their very best to cheer them on are some of Gilroy’s finest citizens of yesterday, today, and will continue to be as long as we continue to offer a place of comradeship,” Bob Garcia said.  

Another one of Gilroy’s finest coaches over the years, Skip Bloom, who has been an understated but exceptional mentor to thousands of kids over a 43-year high school coaching career says, “Coach Garcia and Pop Warner Football gave me the gift of a lifetime. They both allowed me to play the sport I grew up loving and to play for Coach Garcia at Gavilan College.” 

Tim Pierlione, a football coach at both Gilroy High and Christopher High School over the years says, “Coach Garcia is the most knowledgeable and inspirational coach I ever had the pleasure of playing for!”

Scott Swann added, “Being a part of the Gilroy Browns for going on five years and from both football player and cheerleader parent to volunteer and board member, I’ve been fortunate to be a part of this family of youth sports.

“Watching all these young  children grow into responsible teens and being able to assist in many ways positively affects my own life, as many parents’ and coaches’ combined efforts affect our city’s youth in such a positive way.” 

Ashley Guillen, a Pop Warner football parent, said, “Having my son, the next generation, be a part of this amazing organization is such a wonderful feeling. The Gilroy Browns teach you discipline, teamwork and bonds that can last a lifetime. Having Coach Bob come out and talk to these young minds was such an incredibly inspirational moment!”

Coach Garcia continues to carry the torch as Gilroy’s elder statesman, when it comes to youth sports in the community. 

This year’s Pop Warner organization has 7 teams: five football and two cheer, with 168 participants, 33 coaches and 10 board members.

Please come out and support the teams for their first games Aug. 25 at Gilroy High School!

Tony Alanis is a Gilroy native and longtime supporter of Pop Warner Football. 

Bob Garcia pauses for a photo with Pop Warner athletes in Gilroy Aug. 8. Photo: Tony Alanis
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