music in the park, psychedelic furs

With 2024 in the rear-view mirror, on Feb. 12 at 9am the new Gilroy City Council will meet for our bi-annual strategic planning session. This is where the 2026-27 Legislative Work Plan and City Council goals will be established. This will be the foundation for the upcoming two-year budget process.

This year I will focus on continuing to move Gilroy into the 21st century, building upon the relationships I’ve made, legislative items in our work plan, and introducing new items. 

We will focus on our Zoning Ordinance (Bike Parking, Noise Impacting Residentially Zoned Properties), Tobacco Prevention, Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, Accessory Dwelling Units, Opportunity Sites/Programs in our Housing Element 2023-31, Parking Management and Enforcement, Transportation Demand Management, Vehicle Miles Traveled Policy, Climate Action Plan, Safe Storage of Firearms, Community Plan to End Homelessness, Transit First Policy, Plan for the Community Center/Youth Center and Civic Center Master Plan and state legislative bills.

Year to date, my office has worked with our state and federal legislators to secure $5.2 million for project funding that directly benefits our residents, from a bike/ped trail extension on the westside, San Ysidro Park on the eastside, and an enhanced crosswalk for senior housing on the southside. 

We will begin to break ground on these community projects in 2025. 

I am proud of the future housing plan that the Gilroy City Council, Planning Commission, staff and the public have approved. We commit to advancing the 40 opportunity sites for multi-family homes, downtown expansion district and First Street mixed-use corridor flexibility program, 429 corner lots for the middle-income housing program, housing for farmworkers program, and our inclusionary housing ordinance. 

Empowered through our local control, we will implement these programs and follow through with what we have promised to our residents. By doing this we will become eligible for funding toward implementing our programs and provide housing for all. 

We are now pulling in the same direction as the region’s long-range plan for housing, transportation, economy and the environment known as Plan Bay Area 2050. It calls for creating compact walkable communities by promoting high-density housing and mixed-use development near transit stations and in existing urban areas. 

We advocate for building and planning that considers future generations as well as current residents who don’t own cars. 

Advancing mobility options reflects what we are teaching the youth in our community through Safe Routes to School and why we are nationally recognized as a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community from the League of American Bicyclists, as well as by the World Health Organization as an Age-Friendly Community. The City of Gilroy is a Complete Streets and Recreation Destination community by resolution. 

My office sponsored, tabled, hosted a booth, and attended more than 100 community events in 2024. We provided free resources, bike lights, bike helmets—and listened to constituents—at events including Chalk Fest, La Ofrenda Festival, Registrar of Voters High School Education Events, Free Bike Repair and Bike Days, Community Posadas, and School Family Resource Fairs. 

Each year the mayor assigns council members to represent the city council on regional and local committees. For 2025, I will serve on the Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) Authority JPA Board, Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Policy Advisory Committee (PAC), CalTrain Local Policy Maker Group (LPMG), South County Youth Task Force Policy Team (Alternate) Member, and Santa Clara Expressway Plan 2040 Policy Advisory Board (PAB) (Alternate). 

All of these legislative changes will make Gilroy more Livable for All. The path forward is clear to me. It will require everyone’s voices to be heard during public comment and focused work from my student interns. I’ll be here to guide you through it. 

From my office and family, I wish you all a happy and healthy new year.

Zach Hilton

Gilroy City Council member

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