music in the park, psychedelic furs

Marc Perkel hates Republicans. To hate: a deep and emotional
extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of
objects.Marc Perkel hates Republicans. He lets everyone know this
through his constant bombardment of letters to the Editor at the
Gilroy Dispatch.
Dear Editor,

Marc Perkel hates Republicans.

To hate: a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects.Marc Perkel hates Republicans. He lets everyone know this through his constant bombardment of letters to the Editor at the Gilroy Dispatch.

This hate is as wrong as if it were directed to one ethic group or lifestyle choice. Hate is wrong no matter how you spell it or define it. It’s wrong to blame one race/lifestyle choice or political group for all the woes of the world? That is not only exemplifying the mere act of hate, but intensifies it.

No one is guilty of all the world’s problems, not even Republicans. If you want to state figures and can back them up with fact, not injecting the extreme hate for the Republicans, that would be something to place in the paper for others to comment on.

When you attack a belief you close the mind of the reader who is part of that belief. Your ranting is then cause for anger instead of generating ideas and solutions.

There are no perfect political groups, none without faults. We cannot cure the evils of the world by eliminating the Republicans or the Democrats, or the Tea Party or whatever. We can help to build a bridge if we work together and not hate merely because of our political beliefs, our race or lifestyle choice.

J. Coleman, Gilroy

The Golden Quill is awarded occasionally for a well-written letter.

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