music in the park, psychedelic furs

Greg Gallup, Chairman of the Gilroy Camber of Commerce
Government Review Committee should, instead of listening to PR hype
from Bullet Train advocates, have a dose of reality, truth in
transport. It would be a refreshing change.
Dear Editor,

Greg Gallup, Chairman of the Gilroy Camber of Commerce Government Review Committee should, instead of listening to PR hype from Bullet Train advocates, have a dose of reality, truth in transport. It would be a refreshing change.

Let’s not have sacred cows worshiped anymore.

Let’s take off the blinders.

Let’s compare private sector performance with public sector performance.

If the cost to build the bullet train from San Jose to San Francisco doubled ($4 to $8 billion) between the election in Nov. ’08 and now, then what will Gilroy’s taxpayers have to pay (as opposed to what the CAHSRA tells our City Council members)?

With all the warts, blemishes, foibles and follies of the private sector, free market, capitalist transport, we live in a reality where the MPOs make the Robber Barrons look like altar boys.

All the justifications and excuses for public sector ownership of the means of commerce and industry, since the first year at Jamestown Colony, have not overcome the truth that we are better off with the private sector performing the job.

Joseph P. Thompson, Gilroy

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