There sits, along the northern half of Rancho Hills Drive in
Gilroy, a rare jewel, a tranquil treasure
– a lovely area of foothills that has escaped the builder’s
Dear Editor,
There sits, along the northern half of Rancho Hills Drive in Gilroy, a rare jewel, a tranquil treasure – a lovely area of foothills that has escaped the builder’s “knife”. It is a half-mile stretch, splendid for its natural beauty and the deer, wild turkey, our state bird the California Quail, Red-tailed Hawks, bobcats, and countless others who share the hillside meadow and thus their lives with us.
Bordered by a fence, a sidewalk, and a wide street, it provides a safe accessible glimpse of “the wild”; it delights and amazes, calms and inspires those of us who walk, jog, cycle, and drive along its edge daily … I urge anyone interested to come, park, walk and experience the quiet yet powerful beauty of this age-old habitat, at its glorious best one to two hours before sunset. (There is a little fawn there now, last year we saw twins!)
But as you take it in, imagine it sectioned, sliced, graded, paved, and hammered into 71 closely spaced houses … the current plan approved by our city government (historically this land was considered off-limits to building). Mayor Al Pinheiro, the city council and other officials would do great good to save this area as a nature preserve, to take whatever steps necessary to secure it for the citizens of Gilroy … for all time. Respect, protect, defend it against development for profit, recognize that quality of life for Gilroyans means a better balance between development and preservation of the natural beauty with which Gilroy has been blessed.
Let Gilroy rise as an inspired city which holds up and holds onto its precious natural “jewels” – recognizing that no “open space” park, however well-devised and by the best builder, could begin to match God’s handiwork.
Marilyn MacDonald, Gilroy, resident, Rancho Hills Drive