News blast: The National Exchange Club will be 100 years young
in March, 2011. The Exchange Club of Gilroy is celebrating its 20th
year anniversary this month.
Dear Editor,
News blast:
– The National Exchange Club will be 100 years young in March, 2011.
– The Exchange Club of Gilroy is celebrating its 20th year anniversary this month.
– The Exchange Club of Gilroy has just had its most successful fundraiser in its history.
What a marvelous thing that a small group can continuously bring to our community activities that support youth, seniors, community needs and Americanism. We are so grateful to have this charge.
Our successes would be so much smaller without the abundance of community involvement (both physical and financial) that we receive. The amazing generosity of Gilroy’s residents was most recently observed at our Harvest Dinner and Auction on Nov. 12.
SUCCESS was our word that evening.
GRATITUDE is our word today.
We are so thankful to live in a community that keeps giving. Our work becomes so much easier.
Huge thanks go out to the IFDES Hall, Majid Bahriny of Mama Mia’s Restaurants, the Jelly Belly Outlet, the Salvation Army and our Flamenco Guitarist, Luke Dunbar.
To everyone who donated raffle and auction items, we could not have reached our goals without your help.
Monetary donations from Village Green and others who donated but could not attend are so appreciated.
And so important were our guests that evening. They dined, viewed veteran’s stories gathered by local high school students in honor of Veterans Day, listened to wonderful music, and supported a lively raffle and auction to support our projects. We thank you so very much. We hope you enjoyed your evening.
Exchange Club Members again want to thank everyone who contributed to our successful evening. It’s a wonderful thing when fun and volunteerism come together.
Shirley Willard, Gilroy Director and Charter Member, Area Director of California-Nevada Exchange District
It isn’t about ‘tax breaks for the rich’ it’s about creating more jobs
Dear Editor,
Over the past few weeks there have been numerous letters attacking the “tax breaks for the rich.” The “rich” – whoever they may be – are not the problem. They do not have their money in cash; it is invested in some sort of business, large or small.
Business which provides a product or service for profit also provides jobs. When people are working the recession will end. Please tell me how taking money from the “rich” and giving it to government will create jobs?
Keith C. De Filippis, San Jose
Supreme Court handing election to Bush start of America’s demise
Dear Editor,
It’s been 10 years since the Supreme Court usurped the power of the people and instead appointed George W. Bush as president. At that time America had a surplus. We are on tract to completely pay off the national debt in 10 years, which would be today.
Instead we got 9/11, two wars, a collapsing economy, and about $14 trillion in national debt. America invades other countries without provocation. Wall Street steals trillions and we reward them with trillions more. We run torture prisoners in Iraq and the real culprits don’t go to jail. We steal from the poor to give to the rich. We have become a broken nation.
On that day 10 years ago the integrity of our nation was damaged in a way that America might never recover from. History might record this single act as the beginning of the end of the America we knew and the beginning of a dark chapter in our nation’s history. And although there is no mechanism in law to protect the people from the Supreme Court we must always remember that what they did 10 years ago was fundamentally an act of treason to the Constitution, and we as a nation are suffering the consequences of allowing this national disgrace.
Marc Perkel, Gilroy