To reiterate what my friends and neighbors, Thomas and Becky
Fischer, informed the public about, the Dec. 20 council meeting
regarding the Wildflower project off Mesa Road has been rescheduled
for Jan. 10 at 6 p.m.
Dear Editor,
To reiterate what my friends and neighbors, Thomas and Becky Fischer, informed the public about, the Dec. 20 council meeting regarding the Wildflower project off Mesa Road has been rescheduled for Jan. 10 at 6 p.m.
The applicants of this original 12-lot Wildflower housing project wish to balloon the project up to 42 two-story houses on less than 5,000 square foot lots!
The applicants are hoping to qualify under the new “shovel ready” exemption, which the City Council adopted in early 2010.
If no one expresses concerns or objects to shovel ready projects of this kind or any other matter, the Council will then assume that the neighbors are OK with it, and the Council will vote in favor of the applicant.
So, plan to attend the Jan. 10 Council meeting. If you would like to speak, please do so as this may be your last chance to be heard.
Peter Burge, Gilroy
Gilroy garage sale laws a joke as anyone who is half awake knows
Dear Editor,
I had to laugh at the Dec. 14 Red Phone reply regarding a resident’s concern about garage sales in Gilroy. It’s a valid concern, but anybody who is half-awake while driving around town sees the same residences consistently having garage sales either weekly, or every other week on weekends – clearly violating Gilroy’s ridiculous garage sale ordinance law of “once a year for a period of seven days.”
What’s even more ludicrous in the code is that “the items for sale must be personal property owned by the resident for at least one year.”
This is clearly a stupid unenforceable statement, especially if the city thinks people who are economically desperate for additional cash are going to honor it, or even get a permit. While I’m sure Scott Barron has a full plate trying to enforce other problems with building codes, etc. I doubt he drives the streets on weekends when most garage sales take place trying to check up on permits and if items for sale or older than one year in the seller’s possession. No wonder local government is made a laughing joke.
I would encourage the City Council to revise this law (Municipal Code 13-44) to only include the need for a permit and a limit on the number of garage sales held at a specific address or location. Cut out the other nonsense, it’s completely unenforceable.
James Fennell, Gilroy
A little help needed for field trip to the Museum of Tolerance
Dear Editor,
Students at Mt. Madonna High School plan to visit the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles on an overnight field trip Jan. 27. The students will learn about the Holocaust in a way they never have before. The trip will surely bring to life what they have been learning in the classroom and be an experience they will remember forever.
The Museum of Tolerance strives to teach young people about co-existing peacefully as well as teach people about the injustices that have occurred throughout our global community. Mt. Madonna is a small continuation high school in the heart of Gilroy with a diverse student population. Many of our students come from low socio-economic backgrounds and have never been out of Gilroy. This trip would not only provide the students a chance to experience something outside of their community, but learn what happens when individuals allow intolerance to exist.
During these difficult economic times, it is important that we maintain quality education for our students as well as strive to provide them opportunities for learning and personal growth. This trip to the Museum of Tolerance provides these opportunities to our students. A trip like this is a first for Mt. Madonna and the school would appreciate any donations from individuals or businesses that would help defer the cost of museum tickets and food. We would like to express our gratitude to the Gilroy Unified School District Board members who approved the field trip. We would also like to thank The Gilroy Foundation and Donna Pray for their generous donation of $550 dollars that will go towards transportation costs.
Donations can be made to: Mt. Madonna ASB, 8750 Hirasaki Court, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you.
Jennifer Del Bono, principal, Mt Madonna High School