Gage, Guardino Lead BART Spending Spree at the Expense of
Highway Safety
Gage, Guardino Lead BART Spending Spree at the Expense of Highway Safety

Dear Editor,

By approving $135 million more to explore BART to San Jose, our Valley Transportation Authority leaders are hellbent on giving us no congestion relief for billions of tax dollars, and if no change of direction occurs, the “b” on billions can be changed to “tr” for trillons and how many deaths due to delayed/cancelled highway safety improvements?

They will join those already dead killed in the past 25 years by VTA intransigence. They ought to be named the “G&G Dead'” for Santa Clara County Supervisor Don Gage and Silicon Valley Leadership Group President Carl Guardino who have masterminded the boondoggle.

How long are we going to take this abuse?

Joe Thompson, Gilroy

Own Up Olin Corp. – Take Full Responsibility for Perchlorate Pollution

Dear Editor,

Olin Corp. didn’t think it was “unfeasible” to pollute the water with perchlorate as they went about garnering profits from the fabrication of flares, did they?

I wonder if Olin shared those profits with the general populace?

Garlic, YES! Perchlorate, NO!

Robert P. Storr, Palmdale, CA

A Good Poem to Salute the Veterans at Christmas

Dear Editor,

In this month’s issue of the Marines magazine, a poem was published that I felt should be shared with all Dispatch readers. In a time when the Democrats are trashing our military and not supporting the men and women who insure that this country stays the best in the world to live in, this might be a good poem to read at Christmas parties and family gatherings.

A Veteran’s Christmas Wish

Each year when Christmas comes around again,

I pause on Christmas Eve to take a dram

Of whiskey, and I think of absent friends

And Christmas in a place called Vietnam.

I think of boys who never had the chance

To see their kids on Christmas Eve at play.

Their lives were spent that freedom might advance,

From Valley Forge right up through yesterday.

They fell at Belleau Wood and Normandy,

At Gettysburg, at Iwo, and at Hue.

They gave their lives to keep our people free

And never saw another Christmas Day.

So take a moment from your festive joys

To think of soldiers who were young and true,

And say a prayer on Christmas Eve for boys

Who gave up all their Christmases for you.

Robert A. Hall – 2000

Submitted by John Houghton, Gilroy

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