Day Road sidewalk could save a life

It is time we address the lack of a sidewalk on Day Road leading from Monterey Highway to Christopher High School on Santa Teresa Road. The only articles you have written addressing issues around Christopher High School is the traffic jam on Santa Teresa in regards to people going to work being delayed by traffic. But what about the students walking to school? Is it more important that the students arrive at school safely and not dirty from rainy days?  

When it rains the pathway down Day Road gets muddy and the students have to walk in the street to stay dry and clean but that is not safe. The cars go fast down Day Road and that could cause them not to see a student walking down Day Road which could cause an accident.  

The City and Christopher High School should investigate this concern, put a sidewalk along Day Road and make sure there is also proper rain drainage. Maybe no one has gotten hurt but I have seen several students walking up that road on rainy days and I feared for their safety.   This could save a life.

Dr. Latina Wharton, Gilroy

Mother of student at Christopher High School

Operation Interdependence in need of donations

It has been a hard year for so many businesses, restaurants and especially 501(c)3’s. I am area manager for Operation Interdependence (OI), a civilian to military delivery system and we have been operating in Gilroy since 9/11. We ship “goodies” and/or toiletries to our deployed heroes. A hand-written letter of appreciation and gratitude is included in each of the 250-400 quart-sized bags that are shipped monthly.

We have been able to ship every month, except for 2-3 months, at the peak of Covid-19, but are barely getting by without fundraisers and volunteers not meeting to write letters. Memorial Day is a time designated to remembering those that died in active military service and as far as I know, this year, as well as last, there are no events, celebrations or the annual car show to commemorate those that served and gave all.

Would you consider donating to an organization that respects and recognizes those that are currently serving in all branches of the armed forces? We need factory-packaged products: granola bars, peanuts, cornnuts, sunflower seeds, gum and hotel shampoos/conditioner/lotions, soap. Or, you can write a tax-deductible check to Operation Interdependence. Or, we are always in need of handwritten letters and will give community service hours for volunteering high schoolers.

Drop off can be done on Tuesdays, 3-5pm at the office: 7877 Wren Ave. “D.”  Letters and “small stuff” can go through the mail slot in the door.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Please contact me: [email protected], 408-710-3927 or 5830 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy 95020.

Suzi Kugler,


music in the park, psychedelic furs
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