
One who is anxious and willing to share your wealth with others.
Actually the term


has flip-flopped in meaning since the days of our independence,

A “liberal:” One who is anxious and willing to share your wealth with others. Actually the term “liberal” has flip-flopped in meaning since the days of our independence, 1776. Originally “liberal” meant one who championed the freedom and welfare of the individual over and against the rule of the Crown (England).

Today a liberal turns to government to solve all our problems with they (the liberals) being the government. They reason, “We know best what’s good for you.” Ms. Pampuch quoted George Washington at the end of her article on liberality. The “liberality’ George Washington was referring to was not modern liberalism. He was referring to champions of liberty protesting the governing rule of the English Crown – the opposite of the meaning of liberalism today.

From Ms. Pampuch’s article of July 12, I suspect she is the product of public education. The “seperation of church and state” she refers to is not found in the U.S. Constitution. That quote is mainly a figment of the imagination of liberal judges in our high courts. She writes “Separation of church and state is the key to our democracy.” Fortunately the United States is NOT a democracy but is a constitutional republic. There is a difference. A republic is ruled by law. A democracy is rule by the mob having a majority of the votes.

That rule by law is constitutional law, a hand-me-down from Lord Blackstone’s English law, based upon natural law derived from a higher Law (Cicero), codified in the Ten Commandments as given to Moses. I really do not believe a granite copy of Moses’ Ten Commandments in Alabama Judge Moore’s courtroom threatens our union. The real threat of the Ten Commandments in Moore’s courtyard is the embarrassment of the atheistic judges and a provoking of their conscience (if they have one?).

“Seperation of church and state” has little to do with same-sex marriages. Same-sex marriage is a serious problem with morals, ethics, culture and health – both mental health and physical health. In Sweden where same-sex marriage is accepted, the divorce rate is over 50 percent in same-sex marriages – a rather unstable society.

There is also the problem of disease. In 1983, Surgeon General Dr. Koop reported figures from the Center for Disease Control: 85 percent of AIDS cases were among homosexuals. As a liberal, Ms. Pampuch believes the government has no business snooping into private sexual behavior between consenting adults. … Keep the government out of their lives, that is until they develop AIDS. Once AIDS develops, then there is a dramatic turnabout. The homosexuals then turn to the government for help – give us medicine, doctors paid for by others, do testing, help support us, and when entirely incapacitated, take care of us until death. But when we were having fun in the bedroom, don’t bother us.

I could go on and on extolling the virtues and fallacies of Ms. Pampuch’s liberalism. Should she and her liberal compatriots get control of our government and hence society, we’d have peace, prosperity and universal utopia here on Earth in but a jiffy. I would then contact Leo Tolstoy, that great Russian writer of the last century, who believed there was no hope for mankind until the return of Jesus Christ. I would tell him to relax. With modern day liberals in control of society there is no need of Christ’s return.


J.G. McCormack, Gilroy

Submitted Tuesday, July 27.

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