Input sought on Housing Element
The City of Gilroy is hosting a virtual workshop March 30 from 6-8pm on the city’s Housing Element update.
The Housing Element, which gets updated every eight years, outlines Gilroy’s plan to meet the housing needs of the local community as well as state requirements.
The city is seeking input from residents, affordable housing organizations, community service providers and others.
To attend the virtual workshop, visit us06web.zoom.us/j/84249061219.
A housing survey can be found in English at surveymonkey.com/r/GilroyHousingElementSurvey or Spanish at surveymonkey.com/r/ElementodeViviendadeGilroy.
City officials to discuss finance
The public is invited to join Mayor Marie Blankley and Finance Director Harjot Sangha for Conversation and Coffee on Saturday, April 9 at 9:30am in the Council Chambers at 7351 Rosanna St.
Officials will cover the Finance Department including the implementation of the Enterprise Resource Planning System, the American Rescue Plan Act and pension obligations.
All are welcome to attend.
School communication efforts recognized at state level
The Gilroy Unified School District and Santa Clara County Office of Education were honored in the California School Public Relations Association’s 2022 Excellent in Communication Awards.
Each entry is evaluated by communication professionals throughout the country on the overall excellence of the entry. Awards were presented at CalSPRA’s Annual Conference and Awards Banquet on March 10 in Sacramento.
Receiving awards were:
• Emerging Communicator (Special Recognition): Sarah Foy, APR, Media and Marketing Manager, Santa Clara County Office of Education
• Community Engagement Campaign (Award of Excellence): Santa Clara County Office of Education, The Power of Democracy: 2020 Youth Voter Campaign
• Media Relations (Award of Excellence): Santa Clara County Office of Education, SCCOE/SCCPHD Youth Vaccination Press Conference
• Multimedia/Visual Communication (Award of Excellence): Gilroy Unified School District, Brownell Grand Opening intro video
• Multimedia/Visual Communication (Award of Excellence): Santa Clara County Office of Education, Stronger Together—Covid-19 Public Service Announcements (PSA) Series
• Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Award of Merit): Santa Clara County Office of Education, Steps to Success