Readers laud Islam as a religion of peace and invite people to
meet with the Islamic community before passing judgment on the
proposed community center
Islam a Religion of Peace, With Many Already Living in Area
Dear Editor,
As a longtime Morgan Hill resident, I am disheartened to read letters like Andrew Serrano’s.
I would like to respond to Mr. Serrano, and my community members in Morgan Hill, Gilroy and San Martin; folks, we Muslims are already here. We are your friends, your neighbors, your teachers and your doctors. Occasionally we borrow eggs and return them in full. We have been living beside you in peace and practicing our religion for many, many years.
I would like to remind Mr. Serrano that it would not be difficult to open the Bible and find plenty of quotes that could be taken out of context and used as justification for violence. I also found his logic to be faulty; first he questions why Muslims have to remind people that Islam is a religion of peace and then he says we do not do enough to speak against terrorism. Quite frankly, we do; you just don’t see it on TV. Don’t take my word for it, please take a minute to google “Muslims against terrorism” and see for yourself.
There are plenty of hate mongers and trash radio hosts who want to terrify you and smear Islam. Despite this, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the U.S. Yes, even after 9/11. Why do you think it is growing so fast? Is the U.S. full of crazy terrorists? No. We have embraced Islam because it is a beautiful way of life, a religion that teaches us personal responsibility and the means of overcoming our human frailty by submitting to the will of God, the very same God that Jesus, Moses, and Abraham, (peace and blessings be upon them), prayed to.
I would like to extend an invitation to Mr. Serrano, and anyone interested in learning more about the Muslim community in the South County area, Islam, or the proposed Cordoba project, please go to You can also arrange to meet with us in person or to join us at our community gatherings. (I may be a bit partial when I say our potlucks are “heavenly”.)
Judy Anderson-Hamed, Morgan Hill
Columnist Right On Point with Guarantees for Everyone’s Rights
Dear Editor,
Thank you Lisa Pampuch, for a column which very precisely and concisely argued the point that the constitutional rights of “free speech and freedom of religion” are for ALL citizens and residents of United States.
Over the years, I have had people wanting to know more about my culture and religion. Through the Islamic center, we Muslims can show our real tradition of hospitality and peaceful living with neighbors and prove that we, for the most part, are friendly, fair, and productive.
The Islamic center/mosque will be an addition to the wonderful, warm and peaceful area of the South County. It will be open to all peoples for discourse and understanding, to extend help to neighbors in need, and to celebrate our differences and similarities.
Nuzhat Alavi, Morgan Hill