music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,

The Mathiasen family needs to thank all of you magnificent Gilroyans who helped us lay our precious Michael to rest. Never in his wildest dreams, or in ours, could we have imagined the outpouring of love and care lavished upon us.

First, the Dispatch for all the unexpected publicity. Then Father Dan Derry and the members of St. Mary’s Church for what they did to tend our spiritual needs and for their help at the funeral.

The David Duerr family dedicated every moment of their lives to us – Kerry Duerr on the phone day and night dealing with the red tape involved in bringing our Michael home from Oregon and for involving her church, Westhills Community Church, and the Vine Home School people, with the huge undertaking of providing food and implements for the reception.

We thank Bill Pritchard for staying behind in Oregon, guarding our interests in the care of Mike’s body. Also, David Duerr and his children, Jed and Abbie and Mike Montez for their inspiring music for the congregation at mass.

We thank Ed and Candy Mathiasen, who cooked and washed dishes to keep up with the hunger of our many friends.

Then Private James Neibel for doing the grunt work, cleaning up our property in preparation for our guests.

Whom did we miss? During our grief there were so many kind souls who picked up the gauntlet and helped us say goodbye to our love, Michael.

Thank you all.

Please keep him in your hearts. Kerry Duerr is continuing his legacy by raising awareness and funds for cancer research by training for and participating in a 100-mile bike ride for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Donations may be mailed to: Attn: Kerry Duerr, P.O. Box 815, Morgan Hill, CA 95038

Ruth Mathiasen, Gilroy

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