Suspected ‘Boogaloo boy’ back in court Oct. 5
Gilroy resident Alan Viarengo, who is accused of repeatedly threatening Santa Clara County’s public health officer over Covid-19 policies, did not enter a plea at a Sept. 1 hearing at the San Jose Hall of Justice.
State approves rules that turn sewage into drinking water
In a milestone for creating a major new source of drinking water, California has approved its first standards for turning sewage into potable water supplies delivered to homes and businesses.
The State Water Resources Control Board, in a unanimous vote Dec. 19, outlined for the...
Politicos attack Santa Clara County redistricting map
As Santa Clara County lawmakers prepare to approve new political boundaries, some local politicians are raising complaints about the process.
The Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 earlier this month to advance a proposal for redistricting the county's five political boundaries, choosing the so-called Yellow Map...
Grant aims to protect wildlife on Highway 152
A grant from the California Wildlife Conservation Board will help fund the creation of a wildlife crossing over Pacheco Pass on Highway 152.
The $3.125 million grant to the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency will pay for the planning, design, environmental review and permitting of...
Ranch purchase adds to Bay Area Ridge Trail plan
The Conservation Fund purchased the Richmond Ranch on Jan. 22, a 3,653-acre property in southern Santa Clara County.
The Fund is a national organization that provides money to bridge the acquisition of conservation lands by private and public sources. In this case, they are buying...
Stubblefield found guilty of raping woman at Morgan Hill home
Former San Francisco 49ers defensive end Dana Stubblefield was found guilty today on charges that he raped a woman at his Morgan Hill home in 2015.
First case of Omicron variant reported in Santa Clara County
Santa Clara County has received its first report of a case of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, county officials said Friday.
The case was reported Dec. 9 involving someone who was fully vaccinated but has not received a booster. The person had recently returned from...
Officials say Omicron surge could be cresting
Santa Clara County officials said Jan. 14 that the region's Omicron surge may be cresting and called on private health care providers to increase their Covid-19 testing capacity.
The county is currently seeing its highest infection rates since the pandemic began, according to Health Officer...
Covid-19 testing continues in Gilroy
Santa Clara County is continuing to offer free Covid-19 diagnostic testing Aug. 11-14 in Gilroy.
These walk-up testing sites provide Covid-19 viral detection tests free of charge without an appointment, symptoms, insurance or a doctor’s note, and regardless of immigration status.
The testing site is located...
State orders closure of indoor businesses in Santa Clara County
By Grace Hase
For a few hours on Monday it seemed as though gyms, salons and other indoor operations would remain open in Santa Clara County, despite orders from Gov. Gavin Newsom to shut down businesses in jurisdictions on the state’s Covid-19 watch list.
But that all changed...