60.1 F
March 16, 2025

Protecting Undocumented Workers in Gilroy

A grassroots group of more than 50 Gilroyans was told that the city police department hasn’t and will not enforce federal immigration law Tuesday night at a meeting at South Valley Middle School.

Upcoming City Council Meeting, July 10, 2017

With the July Fourth holiday squarely in the rearview window, the Gilroy City Council gets back to work on Monday night, July 10 at 6 p.m. Below is a peek at the upcoming agenda, which can found at cityofgilroy.org:

G-Town: The County’s Fastest Growing City

Gilroy is the fastest growing city in Santa Clara County with 1,159 new residents in 2016, according to a demographics report released by the California Department of Finance New State Population Report.

Tree Hugging

None of the trees the City of Gilroy wants to cut down need to be immediately removed, according to a local certified arborist who reviewed the city’s list of 235 trees it has identified for felling due to public safety reasons.

City won’t let Latino community agency have a ground floor storefront downtown

A Latino advocacy group that puts on the annual Tamale festival in downtown Gilroy was left out in the cold Monday, as the City Council in a 3-2 vote, refused to give them the okay to occupy the ground floor of a building in Gilroy’s downtown historic district.

Three Gilroyans on county grand jury

The Honorable Patricia M. Lucas, Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, has announced the names of the final candidates for the 2017-2018 Civil Grand Jury. Judge Lucas has selected three members from the 2016-2017 Civil Grand Jury to serve a second term. They are Nigel Johnson (Gilroy), Richard Spencer (San José), and Peter Hertan (Los Gatos), who has been appointed Foreperson. The new Grand Jury will be selected at the Impanelment Ceremony, today, Thursday, June 22, 2017. Sixteen names will be drawn from the list of 27 finalists, to complete the 19-member panel of the 2017-2018 Civil Grand Jury. They will serve a one-year term, ending June 2018.

Red Barn Fundraiser a Success

Despite the weekend heat, more than 100 people showed up to support the Miller Red Barn Association’s BBQ at the Barn, helping the group move one step closer to its goal of restoring the venerable Miller Red Barn at Christmas Hill Park.

City aims to spend $5.5 million on critical projects

The Gilroy City Council on Monday decided to spend more than $5 million of city reserves over the next two years to improve city operations and infrastructure.

