53.8 F
March 18, 2025

High Speed Rail May Go East of Outlets

Gilroy may not want to put its high speed rail station downtown, but rather, east of the Outlets, members of the new City Council said Tuesday, in their first study session on the topic, a joint meeting with the planning commission.

Help available for flood-stricken farmers

The US Department of Agriculture is offering cost sharing assistance for farmers who suffered damage from the recent floods.

Gilroy to discuss General Plan, High Speed Rail on Tuesday

High speed rail downtown station and resumption of the General Plan 2040 process will be discussed at a special joint session of the Gilroy City Council and Planning Commission starting at 6 p.m. at Council Chambers on Tuesday, Jan. 17.

Is the city spending too much on downtown group?

The Gilroy Downtown Business Association found itself in the crosshairs at the City Council meeting on Monday, after its annual funding from the city was pulled from the consent agenda and brought forward for discussion.

New Directions for Downtown

Calling his new direction, “GDBA 2.0,” fledgling Downtown Business Association President Gary Walton promised greater coordination with community partners, and sharing of expertise to other downtown merchants.

People Hate These No Left Turns

Dozens of people showed up to the city council meeting on Monday to protest the traffic calming measures put in place by the city to alleviate congestion in the Upper Welburn – Mantelli area.

Volunteers Needed for Homeless Count

Nearly 200 volunteers are needed to conduct the 2017 Point-in-Time Homeless Count in Santa Clara County on Jan 24, 25.

59 new homes approved for Glen Loma

Gilroy’s largest housing development continues to build out along the smooth, sloped terrain of the city’s west side, as the planning commission last week, unanimously approved the tentative map of Glen Loma Ranch’s newest neighborhood.

Gilroy Flood Preparations

The City of Gilroy has announced the following, in the wake of a heavy rain forecast: 

