63.8 F
March 20, 2025

Let there be art…and history

The $1.1 million Paseo project is getting its finishing touches this week, after years of work. Workers posted Gilroy history placards along the alleyway at 7453 Monterey St. between Fifth and Sixth streets.The paseo is a linear, tile-lined rectangular mini-park and walkway that will serve as an aesthetic shortcut from Monterey Street to the parking lots between Eigleberry Street and Gourmet Alley.The city purchased the property in 2012 and demolished the unreinforced masonry building on the site to make way for the new pedestrian amenity. A design group of volunteers selected the design.  

What Gilroyans Want in a Police Chief

Gilroyans said they want a new police chief who understands gangs, the homeless population, graffiti and those who are mentally ill.

Slide Show: The Christmas Parade Drew Thousands

Did you make it to the holiday parade? It's a great way for Gilroyans to bring in the spirit of the season. 

Drones and Street Calming at Council

Drones may be at the top of many holiday wish lists this year, but rules governing their recreational use in Gilroy are still being determined.On Nov. 21, the City Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance regulating drones—or unmanned aerial vehicles, as they are officially called, after hearing examples of rules applied in other California cities. Currently, the only statewide laws apply to drone usage around the scene of an emergency.The Gilroy Police Department has received calls from residents about drones invading people’s privacy and flying at night or during early morning hours, causing disruptions. An ordinance would give police an enforcement mechanism to take action and issue citations when they receive complaints.GPD Captain Kurt Svardal told the council the department looked at Los Angeles, Santa Clara and Ripon to see if any of their ordinances could apply to Gilroy.The staff report recommended the city apply some of the rules from Los Angeles, declaring it a “middle of the road approach.”A Dispatch poll found that about half of respondents wanted to ban drones outright, but the police and City Council did not feel this was necessary.“We are not proposing an all-out ban,” said Mayor-elect Roland Velasco. “We are trying to come up with a compromise that allows hobbyists to get out there, but also protects the privacy of neighborhood residents in the area.”The council suggested the ordinance include rules governing time of flight—sunup to sundown; and that the drone must remain within the line of sight of the operator. It would also include exemptions for public safety uses by law enforcement or other emergency responders. Traffic calming for Upper Welburn  After several community meetings between public works staff and a neighborhood group consisting of 37 residences in the Upper Welburn Avenue area between Santa Teresa Boulevard and Mantelli Drive, as well as a presentation by the group at its Oct. 17 meeting, the City Council approved $25,000 to be spent on temporary “soft” traffic calming measures and follow-up monitoring to address various traffic issues in the area. They include installation of “No Right Turn” signs along southbound Mantelli just before the intersection with Welburn and a temporary plastic delineator barrier at the western entrance of Welburn at Mantelli, with “Do Not Enter” signs and a reflective marker yellow centerline stripe on upper Welburn. Staff will also discuss student drop-off at the nearby Pacific Point Christian School, which residents say cause much of the congestion.    

Gilroy Gardens Stays Lit for Another Month

The Gilroy Gardens Chinese light exhibit ‘Lumination,’ which was scheduled to end in November, has been extended until Jan. 8. The nighttime show of Chinese artistry made with tens of thousands of colored lights, has drawn tourists from all over and added to the park’s hours of operation. It will be open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. through most of December. It will be open every night from Dec. 16 to Jan. 8—but not Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Check gilroygardens.org for tickets, daily events and  schedules. 

Still Counting the Votes….

The Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters this week enacted automatic recounts in 10 contests in the county following the Nov. 8 general election, two of which were Gilroy races.Both the Gilroy City Council and Gilroy Unified School District Board of Trustees had three seats up for grabs. Because of the narrow margin of victory between the third and fourth place finishers in both races, they qualified for the automatic recount. The races’ top two vote getters are not affected.“I don’t think it will swing much, but I don’t know,” said Paul Kloecker, the former councilman who placed third in the current council race. “I will do my celebrating when I get sworn in.”The automatic recounts are based on unofficial semi-final results following the record-setting number of polling place, provisional, and mail-in ballots cast on Nov. 8, when nearly 83 percent of the county’s registered voters took part.In the City Council race, Kloecker received 5,471 votes, 95 more than fellow planning commissioner Tom Fischer, who got 5,376 votes. That is just a 0.24 percent difference, less than the 0.5 percent that triggers an automatic recount as mandated by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors earlier this year.A similar thing happened in the GUSD Board of Trustees race. Third place finisher BC Doyle, a former Navy SEAL, retired GUSD union leader and maintenance worker, received 8,439 votes, or 22.42 percent; while Paul Nadeau, director of operations of the nonprofit Navigator Schools, received 8,387 votes, or 22.28 percent. That is just a 0.38 percent difference.Nadeau, however, dropped out of the race before the election due to a potential conflict of interest because Navigator Schools operates a local charter, Gilroy Prep, which falls under the purview of the GUSD board. But his decision to drop out came too late to get his name removed from the ballot, leading him to garner thousands of votes. Nadeau said he would resign if elected and under the advice of counsel, run at a later time when it did not pose a conflict.The automatic recount, which started on Monday and will continue until the end of the weekend or whenever it’s completed, involves 150 county staff working from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the county registrar of voters office.“This is only the second time automatic recounts have taken place,” said Anita Torres, communications representative for the county registrar of voters.The eight other county races involved in automatic recounts are: Cupertino Union School District Board; Palo Alto Unified School District Board; Los Altos City Council; Monte Sereno City Council; San Jose City Council District 8; Los Altos Hills City Council; city of Santa Clara police chief; and Measure Y in the San Jose Unified School District.Narrow margins of victory, where small number of votes separated the winner from the loser, had become commonplace in small local elections. County supervisors earlier this year felt that, to satisfy voter confidence and offer greater transparency, automatic recounts paid for by the county, would be enacted if certain criteria were met, Torres said.If the contest is in a district within the county and it is not for a state or federal office; and if the margin of victory is within 0.5 percent of the total number of ballots cast or 25 votes, an automatic recount is triggered.The automatic recount as authorized by the Board of Supervisors is limited in scope and involves recounting by hand machine-counted ballots only, said Torres. “A person can see voter intent, whereas a machine would not catch it and mark it as an over- or under-vote.”Before the Board of Supervisors action, a recount would have to be voter-initiated with the costs covered by the candidate.Fourth place City Council finisher Tom Fischer said while he does not expect the recount to change the election outcome, it has been “quite an experience.”The planning commissioner, whose term ends in 2018, said if he does not surpass Kloecker to take the third spot free and clear, he intends to apply for the council seat left vacant when mayor-elect Roland Velasco is sworn in Dec. 12.However, he pointed out, the City Council can decide to bypass the application process altogether and just appoint Fischer as the fourth top vote getter in the council race.“They can pretty much do what they want to fill that seat,” he said.The top vote getters in the City Council race were GUSD Board President, Fred Tovar and incumbent Cat Tucker. In the GUSD Board of Trustee race, Mark Good and James Pace took the top spots.The final results for the Nov. 8 election will be certified by the registrar of voters on Dec. 8, after all manual recounts and audits have been completed.  

Gilroy Gets New Stripes

Gilroy’s growing so fast, and the need has become so complex, that the city has contracted for the first time with a company that specializes in striping streets, roundabouts, biking trails and other transportation pathways.

Inclement Weather Alert for South County Homeless

An Important Press Release:  In response to the National Weather Service forecast of temperatures dropping into the 30s in some areas, the County of Santa Clara Office of Supportive Housing is declaring an Inclement Weather Episode for South County ONLY (Morgan Hill, San Martin and Gilroy) starting Monday, November 28, and extending at least until through Saturday night, December 3, 2016. The Office of Supportive Housing can expand its shelter capacity and open early for inclement weather when there is a forecasted overnight low of 38 degrees or lower with a probability of rain less than 50 percent; or there is a forecasted overnight low of 42 degrees or lower with a probability of rain of 50 percent or greater. “We are doing everything we can to ensure families and individuals without a roof over their heads can be spared from the extremely cold temperatures expected this week, and are able to spend the night in a warm, safe place,” said Supervisor Mike Wasserman, District 1. “Our goal is to find permanent housing solutions, but we need to focus on the immediate needs of our homeless population.” The Gilroy Compassion Center (370 Tomkins Ct. just off of Murray Avenue, in Gilroy), will be available as a Warming Center according to its usual hours: 8:00 a.m. until noon.  The Gilroy Armory will begin operations and be available for overnight shelter starting the evening of Wednesday, November 30th.  Once it opens, its capacity will increase by 50 beds during Inclement Weather Episodes, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.  This is an exception to the usual capacity of 130 beds, which are available by referral only—starting on the 30th.   Each year, the County of Santa Clara’s Cold Weather Shelter Program (CWSP) provides homeless individual and families with a respite from cold and inclement weather from the Monday after Thanksgiving through March 31, with up to 395 additional beds offered at shelter locations.  Beginning Nov. 28, the program will offer 125 beds at the North County Winter Shelter in Sunnyvale, and from November 30, 130 shelter beds will be available at the Gilroy Armory. Additionally, the County has expanded its program this year to offer shelter to 35 homeless families at the Arturo Ochoa Migrant Center in Gilroy. The new Ochoa Winter Family Shelter located at Arturo Ochoa Migrant Center in Gilroy will offer shelter to 35 homeless families, and up to 140 additional beds. The center, located on Southside Road, will provide intensive case management services to all the families, enabling them to receive the appropriate assistance they need to make the transition to stable housing.  For homeless families seeking shelter in the Gilroy area, they can call St. Joseph’s Family Center for a referral at 408-842-6662, ext. 21.      The Gilroy Armory Shelter and the Sunnyvale Shelter will provide warm beds, two nutritious meals a day, and a hot shower to clients. A variety of supportive services will also be offered, including guidance to help set short-term goals, employment resources, medical care, and referrals to other services. Volunteers provide haircuts and donated toiletries and clothing are available to those who need them. Both County shelters will be operated on a referral basis, working closely with HomeFirst to identify individuals/families who will be referred to the shelters to have a guaranteed bed throughout the CWSP period. HomeFirst will coordinate referrals for both sites. For individuals seeking shelter at the Gilroy Armory, call 408-489-8781 or for the Sunnyvale Shelter, call 408-854-4670. “It is our priority to find additional beds and warming centers during extreme and inclement weather for homeless adults and families,” said Bob Dolci, Housing and Homeless Concerns Coordinator with the Santa Clara County Office of Supportive Housing. 

Guard Shack Controversy

Fed up with early morning noise and traffic from ongoing construction, residents of one of Gilroy’s newest high-end subdivisions woke up to a new neighbor this week.It’s a manned guard shack that showed up in the middle of the roundabout at the entrance to Meritage Homes’ Heartland housing development.It’s designed to control the flow of construction-related traffic and keep noise levels down in the before-dawn hours.But a city official Tuesday said it must be moved.“I understand why they did this but it’s not in a safe location, so we will ask the developer to move this to a safer spot until they finish construction activities, Rick Smelser said in an email. He is Gilroy’s director of public works and city engineer.The playhouse-size structure was set up on city property, the roundabout island at the corner of West Third Street and Cobblestone Court, just west of Santa Teresa Boulevard and the Village Green senior housing community.A spokesman for C&C Security said Meritage requested the manned booth after receiving complaints from new residents of the $870,000 to $943,000 homes.They’ve complained about pre-dawn noise and traffic from contractors building more new homes in developments that stretch roughly along Hecker Pass Highway west from Santa Teresa to Burchell Road.Chapter 16, section 31 of the city code prohibits loud noise of any kind that disturbs another person in their home between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Wayne Spalding, vice president of human resources for the Fremont-based C&C Security, said a uniformed guard arrives early in the morning to make sure no one begins work before 7 a.m.The guard then patrols the neighborhood and construction areas from a vehicle, he said.The project’s new construction manager requested that the guard shack be placed on the roundabout island, according to Spalding.An early morning observer to the area would witness not only the arrival of construction workers, but also large and small trucks loaded with everything from pre-fabricated housing rafters to roofing materials and landscaping equipment and plants.The long, new stretch of W 3rd Street, with at least one elementary school bus stop, also has become the scene of high-speed driving, the almost universal running of the stop sign at Rosemary Drive by residents, construction workers and truck drivers, and numerous incidents of cars and trucks going the wrong way at the roundabout—some trucks doing so because they are too long to negotiate the sharp curves of the roundabout.At the Gilroy Police Department, Capt. Kurt Svardal said the guard shack arrangement between the private security firm and the development company does not involve police, although he said he was “a little surprised” by the location of the structure on the roundabout.Smelser said that while he was unaware of the guard shack until asked about it Tuesday by the Dispatch, builders are legally allowed to take steps to secure their projects and equipment even if it involves city property.“During construction, before the city has fully accepted the construction, the contractor has every right to protect their equipment,” he said.As for traffic and noise associated with building activities, he said, “They have every right to control what is going on during construction; if they want to control construction activity, I can see that,” Smelser added.A spokesperson for the Meritage did not return phone calls seeking comment.   

Dozens March for Unity in Gilroy Thursday

More than 50 students, parents and members of the community marched nearly two miles through Gilroy to City Hall Thursday at noon to celebrate unity and diversity, things they said were absent in the campaign rhetoric of President-elect Donald J. Trump.The march, organized by the Student Democratic Club at Gavilan College and including local middle and high school students, started at the old CVS store on First Street and continued along Hanna to City Hall, where the peaceful gathering concluded with speakers and a sharing circle on the complex lawn. As they marched they chanted “Unity through diversity,” “The people united will never be divided” “Hey Ho Racism has got to go.” Noshava Afzao, a Gilroy educational consultant who trains teachers, and wore a hijab said she was there with a flag to accent that liberty and justice “was for everyone.” She worried about how the election would affect that. “There’s a lot of disappointment,” she said.  “The election is a wake up call. I thought we lived in a country that had made progress and this just shows how much progress we need to make.”As word spread that students at Gavilan College were planning a citywide walkout, school administrators scrambled to inform high school parents.“Gilroy is a lovely little bubble of people who are not always proactive. We want to acknowledge voices and create a coalition,” said Sarah Najar, Vice President of the Gavilan Democratic Club.An email to Christopher High School parents from Principal Paul Winslow said: “FYI High School Parents: Someone is encouraging students to cut school” and “while we definitely support free speech, the right to assemble peacefully, and the right to express opinion” students who missed school to participate would be penalized and not be able to make up work.Lisa Ruiz, a parent of Gilroy students with special needs, said she received a call from the GUSD the night before alerting her that any absence would be considered unexcused, but felt she needed to come anyways.“I got to be here in solidarity with the minorities in the community and to see what we can do to help to unify everyone not be divided and hopefully we can get together in love.”As people gathered in the parking lot, members of the Gilroy Police Department kept an eye on proceedings. Sgt. Wes Stanford had a team of motorcycle officers  charged with making sure the demonstrators were safe walking the mile and a half between First Street and City Hall. The department was notified of the march, but organizers didn’t know they would need a permit. “We want to make sure that it’s peaceful, that they are allowed to voice their opinion and whatever views they have and they get to City Hall in a safe fashion.” Stanford said the city has had sporadic marches over the years with the last one he remembers an Occupy Gilroy march of eight people.The well-behaved crowd began their march up First Street - along the sidewalks and stopping at all intersections, using the crosswalks - the sound of honking cars mingling with chants calling for unity.Iris Cueto, 23, a Gavilan biology major, said “The election is making me feel sad, but it’s also making me feel happy to have youth standing up for their rights. It’s nice to see them out here protesting in a peaceful way.” Holding up a coat hanger poster that read, “Never Again,” Summer Diaz, 18, said: “I believe everyone should have their rights. I believe that women should make their own choice and politicians should stay out of women’s rights. “ When the marchers got to City Hall they were offered bottled water by the student organizers who then thanked the crowd for obeying all the traffic laws and the police for “keeping us safe.” Addressing the group, Dr. Enrique Luna, who teaches history at Gavilan, said “we don’t want to be here, but there is a need.” Thanking the march organizers for putting on the event, he said at times he was both laughing and shedding a few tears during the march to city hall. It’s hard to build a community, it’s easy to destroy a community. And we are here to do the hard work.”    

