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It will be interesting to see how San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales
responds to Gavilan Community College’s public request for a seat
on the Coyote Valley Specific Plan Task Force.
It will be interesting to see how San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales responds to Gavilan Community College’s public request for a seat on the Coyote Valley Specific Plan Task Force.

The right answer is a hearty “Yes” followed by a Homer Simpson-like thunk on the head and “D’oh!” for failing to include the community college until now – more than a year into the planning process.

After all, Gavilan Community College’s boundaries extend from San Benito County north to Bernal Road, meaning it will be responsible for providing services to the 80,000 people the City of San Jose wants to entice into living in Coyote Valley.

But given Gonzales’ refusal to give a seat on the planning task force to the City of Morgan Hill and the murky status of the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s representation, we’re not holding our breath for the right answer from Gonzales.

Gavilan President Steve Kinsella recently sent a letter to publicly and formally request a seat on the task force.

“The intent of my letter is to be respectful, but to indicate that we have an expectation that they will include us as the planning process moves on,” Kinsella told the college’s board of trustees. “I’m requesting that they recognize Gavilan College’s responsibility for providing services within the Coyote Valley.”

Kinsella is too kind.

Of course, San Jose officials should have recognized the importance of including Gavilan Community College officials in the planning process 17 months ago when the task force was formed, and it will be nothing short of irresponsible if they refuse to give them a place at the planning table now.

If you think it’s important for Gavilan College to have a part in planning the development of the 80,000-resident valley it will be responsible for educating, let San Jose officials know. Here’s how to reach Mayor Gonzales: Office of the Mayor, 801 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95110; voice: 277-4237; fax: 277-3868; e-mail: Ma********

Until the good mayor begins to hear that people in South Valley are fed up with San Jose’s bullying and power-hoarding tactics, things, unfortunately, won’t change.

Speak up South Valley residents, or forever be chained to San Jose’s Coyote Valley puppet strings.

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