music in the park, psychedelic furs

Clock doesn’t tick tock:

The Old City Hall is a beautiful building and it has a great new
restaurant in it and I drove by it this morning at 8:30 and the
clock says 5:00. It’s a city building, can’t the city maintain it?
It’s beautiful but it’s embarrassing for Gilroy to have the clock
on top of old City Hall, our signature building, that doesn’t

Clock doesn’t tick tock: “The Old City Hall is a beautiful building and it has a great new restaurant in it and I drove by it this morning at 8:30 and the clock says 5:00. It’s a city building, can’t the city maintain it? It’s beautiful but it’s embarrassing for Gilroy to have the clock on top of old City Hall, our signature building, that doesn’t work.”

The Red Phone was reluctant to check into this one because just the thought of it being 5pm all the time was really appealing. But, that 5 o’clock quittin’ time vision had to end eventually, so we contacted Mike Dorn with the City of Gilroy.

“The situation with the clock is that there is a gentleman in Watsonville who we use to repair the clock,” Dorn said. “There are only a couple people in Northern California who can work on such a thing.”

Dorn continued and said that the Watsonville man has a regular full-time job and repairs clocks on the side. “Basically he’s very busy with another job and he tries to get over when he can. Unfortunately he’s just really busy and sometimes he says he’ll be over and … something else comes up with his regular job.”

What does Dorn suggest? A little patience. “The other one who could do this is in Sacramento I believe and there are a few in Southern California, but it’s really not worth paying someone to fly in from Southern California to make the adjustments and repairs to the clock,” he said. “So we just have to be patient and he will come by soon and repair it.”

What does the Red Phone suggest? A reliable wrist watch.

Get it? got it!: “Sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn’t get it. I’m sorry, sorry. … I didn’t get the ‘Get on the BAL’ headline because I didn’t read the story. Now I get the play on words.

“But I have another question. I’m trying to figure out the play on words in Tuesday’s paper, the story ‘Olin denied: H2O flows in.’ It says, ‘The state Regional Water Control Board has denied ordered the firm…’ Can you please explain the play on words there?”

Touché, caller, touché! The Red Phone can dish it out, but yes, we can take it too. That was simply an error that slipped through the editorial cracks. That “denied” wasn’t supposed to sneak in there. Thanks for keeping us on our toes (and for your sense of humor)!

Love the dispatch: “Hi, it’s 6 o’clock in the morning and I want to tell you that I’m enjoying my Gilroy Dispatch. Thank you for putting the movie reviews in there. It’s getting better all the time … in all the 50 years I’ve been taking the paper. Thank you.”

Caller, thank goodness you didn’t go by that clock at Old City Hall. If you went by that one you might think your daily paper was really late, and you’d likely be a little peeved with us.

But the Red Phone is pleased to hear how much you enjoy the morning Gilroy Dispatch. And stay tuned, because we’re working to make the community’s paper better every day.

Dude, where’s my call?: “Hi Red Phone. I’ve called in before about school maintenance and I’ve never seen my call published or my questions and comments responded to. What’s going on with that? How come your not letting my call go through? I hope you’ll at least do this one so I can see the reason. Thank you.”

In order to get answers to some questions called into the Red Phone, we have to make calls. And unfortunately, phone calls aren’t always immediately responded to. It’s the nature of the beast. Though the Red Phone attempts to publish and respond to calls in order, sometimes it just can’t play out that way. Rest assured, we’re working on answering your question.

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