84.1 F
July 26, 2024

Letter: Seeking environmental justice for Gilroy

As we make progress on implementing our General Plan 2040 we are going to need help from our Community Based Organizations (CBO).  The past two years we have reported back to the state regarding our Environmental Justice section that we have been implementing with a...

Letter: A heartfelt salute to Rosso owners

In the heart of Gilroy and Morgan Hill, there exists a beacon of warmth, quality and community spirit—Rosso Furniture. For over four decades, this family-owned establishment has been more than just a furniture store; it has been a cornerstone of our towns, shaping homes...

Letter: Lawsuit abuse inflation hits all Californians

What would you do if you had another $2,298? Take a tropical island vacation, buy new kitchen appliances, put the money in the bank or hand it over, as you do now, through higher prices every time you shop by way of the little...

Letter: Coverage sanitized Gaza tragedies

Just read your article online about the ceasefire resolution that was rejected by Gilroy's city council.  First, I wasn't sure why the picture showed an empty room when I know for a fact that it wasn't empty, in fact it had an overflow... but after...

Letter: Eager to support LAFCO policies

Thank you to the Cities Selection Committee (Mayors of Santa Clara County), and I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Cities Association's Alternate Commissioner to Santa Clara County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).  LAFCO is where cities go to expand their boundaries....

Letter: We must ensure equality for online charter school students

As a parent advocate for quality education and equitable opportunities, I firmly believe that all students, regardless of their educational setting, deserve equal access to resources and support. In California, online charter school students have been a growing population, and it is imperative that...

Letter: Fill the boot for the Muscular Dystrophy Association

The men and women of CAL FIRE SCU, South County Fire District, and Morgan Hill Fire will be out conducting a Fill the Boot event to benefit MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association) on Friday, June 30, Saturday, July 1 and Sunday, July 2.  We will be...

Letter to the editor: Let common sense prevail

Recently the hot topic in the news is the deficit reduction debate. The debate tries to link Social Security to the federal deficit. Social Security plays no direct role in the nation’s deficit. It does not depend on income tax revenue.  It’s true that as...

Letter: College enrollment is on the rise after pandemic

Community colleges have in the past been considered a great opportunity to many, even those who come from the first generation. At the end of 2019, the California College Promise Program offered two years of free tuition for first-time students who took full-time courses...

Letter: Local Dem club’s confusing actions

I was a member of the South County Democratic Club for over 14 years. It was not always a pleasant experience for me, but now I must say that I am angry and confused about who they support in the Party and why.  Years ago,...

