Get smarter, ‘Growing Smarter’
To the editor, A few comments about the Sept. 12 article “Agri·tourist vote may hurt incumbents.”
The group that calls itself “Gilroy Growing Smarter” is limiting its ability to get any smarter. According to the article, if any candidate voted against or opposed measure H...
Government is not elementary
Dear editor, Last Tuesday I attended the Rotary forum with the City Council candidates.
Each candidate was invited to participate and was given one minute for introduction, followed by a two-minute answer four related questions on homelessness, downtown, economic development and city budget priorities. At...
Increased rail service a good idea
Regarding the possible expansion of passenger/commuter rail to Hollister and Salinas, I do feel the time has come.
Upgrading the historic Hollister Branch rail line for makes sense. Considering the heavy traffic on highways 101 and25 it is warranted.
In my opinion, the perfect train set...
From pedaling to peddling
To the editor, I want to applaud Zachary Hilton’s work to make Gilroy more bicycle-friendly. Cycling has many benefits, and we need plenty of safe corridors for bike riding. But now it seems Zachary has shifted from pedaling to peddling; my only objection is...
Gilroy needs advocate for public safety
As most of us are aware, the crime in Gilroy is rising, and compared to the rest of the county, it’s increasing at a rapid rate. The City of Gilroy needs to advocate for more public safety to the city council. With the population...
Understand city finance
The General Election is just a few months away, and voters in Gilroy have a number of candidates to consider for the all-important positions on the City Council. Of all the layers of government, your voice on the local level has the most impact...
Serve the community
To the Editor, The role of a city commissioner is one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Commissioners are appointed by the City Council after an application and interview process in public view. They provide direct feedback to the City Council in areas that they...
Candidates Growing Smarter
With great pride we endorse these candidates for Gilroy City Council:
For the two-year seat, Carol Marques.
As a member of Gilroy Growing Smarter’s Executive Committee, Carol worked tirelessly to help pass Measure H in 2016. She will defend it by making sure any challenger will...
Vote for Marie Blankley
To the Editor, The General Election is just a few months away, and voters in Gilroy have a number of candidates to consider in the all-important races for City Council seats. Of all the layers of government, your voice on the local level has...
Our loss, Manteca’s gain
To the Editor, I live off Hecker Pass and while my first choice is to not have any development—residential, commercial or industrial—encroaching this pristine area viewed by travelers approaching our city from the west, I also know the importance of having great revenue-generating projects....