3 letters: Schools better start taking cyberbullying seriously; Thanks for Dispatch support on garden sale; Legislative fire tax fiasco gets worse
School officials better start taking issues like cyberbullying seriously
‘Whiners’ complain about park problems that really aren’t an issue at all
Dear Editor, Now that I have stopped laughing, and gloating, at the March 1 “Riffraff in the parks” article, I will share some thoughts.
2 letters: Civic center/library parking lot – really?; Sequestration scare government hokum
Really, a parking lot that isn’t needed? What about library hours, downtown?
3 letters: Pasta feed example of why Gilroy’s great; Frivilous complaint about ‘Men at Work’ signs; Assemblyman Luis Alejo out of touch with small business
Pasta feed benefit for the choirs another example of what makes Gilroy great
3 letters: Vet grateful for support, residential rezoning, Shirakawa outrage
Marine and Iraq war vet grateful for all the support she’s received from Gilroy
2 letters: $6.50 too much for popcorn, Obama ‘required’ to raise debt ceiling
$6.50 popcorn – it’s not the theater owners, but the spoiled Hollywood stars
3 letters: Craziness of opinions, thankful residents, $6.50 too much for popcorn
A huff and a puff and it’s simple to label another man’s opinion ‘craziness’
4 letters: No pit bull ban, dealing with reality, Islamics shocked by violence
Opinions aimed at a ban of pit bull dogs are way off the reasoned mark