Editorial: ‘Blessing Box’—compassion and controversy
There is a national phenomenon called Blessing Boxes that within the last year, fueled by social media, has exploded into hundreds of cities. The boxes take many shapes and sizes but most are two- to three-feet square, and offer canned goods for free. This...
Guest Opinion: Gilroy needs more compassion
In the 2017 Point in Time homeless census count conducted on Jan. 24 and 25, 5,448 homeless individuals—including veterans, families with children, former foster youth, domestic violence victims, seniors, people with disabilities, and the working poor were identified living in encampments, cars, RVs, abandoned...
Businesses are in middle of potential ICE squeeze
The stories began flying last week: Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents would raid businesses across California and deport undocumented workers.
As of this newspaper’s press time, the raids had not started, but the specter remains.
Heightened anxiety about federal immigration policies has already intensified...
California schools are underfunded compared to U.S.
At its Jan.17 meeting, the Santa Clara County Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution for full and fair funding for California Public Schools by state lawmakers.
The resolution highlights California’s poor national standing in funding for public schools. California ranks 45th nationally in the...
Time to focus on school choices in Gilroy and at schools across the U.S.
Later this month, schools, homeschool groups, organizations, and individuals in California and across America will work together to raise awareness about the importance of opportunity in K-12 education.
National School Choice Week begins on January 21 and celebrates all types of schools and education environments...
2017: A year in review at the Water District
2017 will be a memorable year for Santa Clara County, especially for water resources management. It was the year that broke our state’s longest dry streak with record-setting precipitation. A year of transition between extremes – from drought to floods. A year for big...
A councilman’s resolutions
2017 was a year where most of my personal resolutions were met. I set a resolution to run at least a half marathon with record time and a stretch goal to complete a full marathon. A few minor health set backs prevented the stretch...
Panetta doesn’t dig tax bill
I voted against this tax bill because it would have a negative impact on too many families on the central coast of California and our nation. The bill lowers taxes for the wealthy, while raising taxes on many working and middle-class families. The bill...
Our annual holiday poem
‘Twas the night before Christmas in Olde Gilroy
Not a latte was stirring, not even on 5th Street
Gold Toe at the Outlets awaited with stockings
St. Nicholas, sadly, was still Amazon shopping
Guerrero “The Ghost” had hung up his gloves,
But Gilroy football won and had gotten lots of love
So did...
Cannabis operation draws upon business, medical experience
My name is Dr. Ahmad R. Rafii D. C. I am a board certified Chiropractor with over 25 years of successful business experience. At the invitation of the City of Hollister, my intent was the operation of a manufacturing and cultivation facility for medicinal...