Dear Editor,
This is an open letter to all elementary, middle and high school
teachers, from a parent. The subject is homework.
Dear Editor,

This is an open letter to all elementary, middle and high school teachers, from a parent. The subject is homework.

I am so sick of spending our evenings trying to get homework done that I could scream. My kids are all bright and intelligent students, but none of them have ever been the type to jump right into doing their homework on their own. It is a nightly battle to get our student to settle down and do a page of math problems, a grammar lesson, answer history questions and work on a science paper. Why does my child spend six hours in a classroom only to be sent home to spend another two hours on school work?

Kids learn best during the day when they are alert and fresh, not after they get home and are tired and in need of some down time. For most families homework feels like a huge invasion of our home life and puts a negative tone on our time together. It can also cause friction between parents when they have different opinions on just how much help should be given.

A friend recently moved to the east coast and is very happy with the schools back there. She said her children are getting a good, well-rounded education and there isn’t as much pressure or as much homework which allows more time for after school activities and makes for happier evenings at home. Parents love teachers who give little or no homework, we really do!

Please, please, please consider cutting back on homework.

N.L. Murphy, San Martin

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