Samuel Gonzalez, 57, transient, 6:57 p.m. Monday, near Sixth and
Eigleberry streets on two warrants for possession of a controlled
substance and on a warrant for possession of a syringe without
medical permission.
Drug possession
Samuel Gonzalez, 57, transient, 6:57 p.m. Monday, near Sixth and Eigleberry streets on two warrants for possession of a controlled substance and on a warrant for possession of a syringe without medical permission.
Petty theft
Kristen Ruppell, 23, of New Rockford, N.D., 3:50 p.m. Monday, at Wal-Mart, 7150 Camino Arroyo.
Nicholas Beus, 26, of Santa Cruz, 4:10 p.m. Tuesday, at Wal-Mart, 7150 Camino Arroyo, for petty theft with specified priors.