Local musicians of all ages will take to the tree-lined streets of Gilroy for the second annual Porchfest Gilroy from 1 to 6 p.m. Sept. 19 on Hanna and Dowdy streets, between Third and Sixth.
Porchfest Gilroy debuted in 2014 with 20 bands playing on 10 porches. Gilroy residents Carol DeSantis, Barbara Bottini and Eileen Cuevas spearheaded the event. The original Porchfest was held in Ithaca, New York, in 2006. Since then it has spread throughout the United States and Canada.
Musicians who want to perform can sign up at porchfestgilroy.org/musicians through Aug. 15. The planning committee will assign porches and time slots several weeks before the event. Performers who have signed up so far include Janet Thompson, Liver and Onions, Sam Woolsey, Patti Lemon, Cowboy Gil, Bluer than Blue, A Good Buzz and Alvaro Juarez, among many others.
This is a free event. No tickets are sold and no musicians are paid. Attendees should bring their own blankets and chairs and may ride their bikes or walk from porch to porch. Coolers are welcome but no alcohol.
Volunteers are also needed to help with traffic management and program distribution. Sign up to volunteer at porchfestgilroy.org/volunteers. For more information go to porchfestgilroy.org.