music in the park, psychedelic furs

I wonder if the local pro-redevelopment agency bunch has read
the state government’s latest proposal.

I wonder if the local pro-redevelopment agency bunch has read the state government’s latest proposal. That is, to confiscate RDA monies and throw it into the General Fund and into the public school districts. (Among the other proposals is one to double community college tuition and have that entire increase go into the General Fund.)

This is much like the Democrats’ attempt in 1993 to raid people’s 401(k) plans; our former “representative,” Zoe Lofgren, referred to these as “untapped reserves.”

Until we get sound fiscal reform in this state – something which will only be achieved via ballot initiative – the state will continue its fiscal irresponsibility. Government at all levels has a solid history of reneging on promises. Be THANKFUL Gilroy doesn’t have an RDA!

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

Submitted Tuesday, Jan. 14 to ed****@ga****.com

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