“Hello, I was just wondering if you could tell me the actual time that the speed limit changes in front of Gilroy High School. I believe the speed limit is 25 mph. And school is between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. I had a person tailgating me going faster that 25 mph. I just wanted to make sure people know the speed limit and follow the law to make sure kids are safe when crossing the street.”
Red Phone: Dear School’s In Session, There isn’t really an exact time when the speed is reduced from 35 to 25 mph. The reduction in speed is required when there are children present at the school as part of an official school sponsored activity like an athletic game or other function, said Gilroy Police Sgt. Chad Gallacinao.
“Ensuring the safety of our community and children is a priority for the department,” he said. “We have increased our presence at schools and have worked to educate our community about the importance of traffic safety. The slower speed improves a driver’s and student’s ability to recognize and react to potential hazards that may occur.”
In addition to the times when students are dropped off, in school or being picked up, the reduction of speed is also in place in the evenings since there are usually activities each day. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and slow down for kids who may be crossing the streets.
Why clean streets at rush hour?
“I was wondering why the street cleaner is out so often in downtown and during rush hour?”
Red Phone: Dear Swept Away, Street cleaners sweep the downtown area once a week, said Phil Couchee, the general manger of Recology South Valley. They coordinate with the downtown landscaping maintenance crew and follow up shortly after they are done in the morning in order to avoid having to make two trips, he said.
“We have found that this provides for the most efficient and effective job keeping the downtown streets clean,” he said.