Dear Editor,

Intelligent Design ban is based upon the violation of the
constitutional principle of church-state separation,

so says an article in Wednesday’s Dispatch of 21 Dec., ’05.
Dear Editor,

“Intelligent Design ban is based upon the violation of the constitutional principle of church-state separation,” so says an article in Wednesday’s Dispatch of 21 Dec., ’05. The term “separation of church and state” does not appear in the United States Constitution or in any ammendments. It is the figment of a badly confused legal mind within our judicial system. If a lie is told often enough, it is soon accepted as truth. Look at the First Amendment of the Constitution. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.” It could not be more clearly stated than that. Funny (really sad) how the judges are blind to that clause of the first amendment. The right to say “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is guaranteed by this amendment. So is the teaching of “intelligent design” in the school classroom protected by the amendment as an act of “free exercise of religion.”

Liberal, activist judges who have no comprehension of right versus wrong are seriously jeopardizing our constitutional rights and our own personal freedom. It is a serious situation with little relief or correction in sight.

Where in our current government are men of the character, integrity and honor such as our founding fathers, Washington, John Adams, Jefferson and Lincoln? Sadly, such men do not exist today.

J.G. McCormack, Gilroy

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