music in the park, psychedelic furs

The following organizations and individuals deserve either
CHEERS or JEERS this week:
JEERS: For the undercover effort by landowner Wayne Pierce to
develop the Sargent Ranch by pairing up with an Indian tribe to
work toward getting the the pristine open space area south of
Gilroy designated as

reservation land.

The following organizations and individuals deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

JEERS: For the undercover effort by landowner Wayne Pierce to develop the Sargent Ranch by pairing up with an Indian tribe to work toward getting the the pristine open space area south of Gilroy designated as “reservation land.” It’s nothing more than an attempt to circumvent planning process and law – and, of course, make a huge pile of cash. Gilroy, in many ways a

well-planned city, wants to plan its future and manage its growth. Putting up a “South Gilroy” with homes and commercial development that are not contiguous to the city goes against every planning premise this community has developed. This proposal should face the full force of vociferous local and regional opposition.

CHEERS: For the launch of the BAL letter writing campaign and Councilman Bob Dillon for helping to spearhead the effort. Gilroy definitely needs to “Build a Library.” So let’s get on the BAL and get it done. It’s simple to write a note and tell the folks in charge of distributing state bond library construction money how much Gilroy needs a new facility. Our citizens really use the facility and that use far outpaces the available space. E-mail your letter to ge******

JEERS: For the spread of “allergy adjustments” Gilroy schools are having to make. Only one Gilroy public school, for example, is not dealing with a peanut allergy. How far will this go? Will the school district be liable if one student brings peanuts to school and then makes contact with an allergic student? Where should the line for reasonable accommodation be drawn? Our Web poll this week asks the community about allergy accommodations – it’s a question that sooner or later the district is going to have to make a policy on.

CHEERS: For Gilroy City Administrator Jay Baksa who was named to the athletic Hall of Fame at his hometown high school back in Ohio. Cool.

CHEERS: For the California Highway Patrol which handed out 37 tickets at the Don Pacheco Y last week. Officers snagged people who were stopping on Highway 156 to allow westbound drivers to make the turn onto Highway 152. While stopping to allow a driver to make a left turn is a courteous thing to do, it causes a nightmare traffic jam.

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