159948~Home school students must comply—Dear Editor,
The following is a response to a recent column regarding home
Interestingly, there is no exemption in the California Education
Code for

home schools.

In other words, education code does not recognize the term

home school

and therefore does not exempt students from compulsory
attendance if they are, in layperson’s terms, being home
No Concept of Parental Authority

In this litany of requirements and hoops for parents to jump through, Mr. Valadez not only attempts to usurp parental authority, but is treating parents as though they are the ones still in school.

Having to ask the local truant officer if one can remove one’s children from school is like asking a McDonald’s manager if one can take one’s children somewhere different for lunch. It’s a joke. But what’s not funny is that parents who tell the school to mind their own business as they ought, know that the threat of having their children taken away is a real one. Punishing parents and children is not below the power hungry, federal and state enforced school system.

Parents who love their children enough to assume complete responsibility for their rearing by removing them from tax payer subsidized daycare/incarceration should be publicly lauded. But instead they are treated like children at best and like criminals too often.

Is there no escape for Americans who want to live peaceful lives and enjoy raising their own children, free from being harassed by this insidious institution?

Mr. Valadez and anyone on his side needs a lesson on respect for parental authority. But before they can learn that lesson, they need to understand that by law, parents are no longer required to show up for their roll call.

Tax payers who truly care about the institution of family and the future of America should revolt or at the very least band together and refuse to pay school tax as soon as possible.

Sincerely I pray,

Mrs. D. Silva

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