
James David Zachary Jones was born Aug. 28, 2009 at Saint Louise
Regional Hospital to Matthew and Paulina Jones of Morgan Hill. He
weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces.

James David Zachary Jones

James David Zachary Jones was born Aug. 28, 2009 at Saint Louise Regional Hospital to Matthew and Paulina Jones of Morgan Hill. He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces.

Zyrie Jonnae Crocker

Zyrie Jonnae Crocker was born Aug. 30, 2009 at Saint Louise Regional Hospital to Nicole Fierro and Johnny Crocker of Gilroy. She weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces.


Christopher Jeffries

Army Pvt. Christopher A. Jeffries has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.

During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises.

He is the son of Michele Myers of Morgan Hill and Geery Jeffries of San Jose.

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