The Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors on Wednesday took a number of actions to respond to the worsening water supply outlook, according to an official press release.
The board set a preliminary 2014 water reduction target equal to 10 percent of 2013 water use in Santa Clara County.
The target of 10 percent is based on the district’s adopted water shortage contingency plan – something that Gov. Jerry Brown, in his Jan. 17 drought declaration, called upon water agencies to immediately activate.
The plan, which is part of the district’s Urban Water Management Plan, calls for the board to consider a reduction in water use of up to 10 percent when the county’s groundwater supplies are projected to drop below 300,000 acre-feet by the end of the calendar year – an amount equal to about 83 percent of a year’s water use.
The board acted in response to the serious statewide drought conditions, and also considered the local water supply outlook. The year 2013 was the driest year on record for Santa Clara County, and marks the third critically dry year, the press release states.
Due to careful water management, Santa Clara County is starting off the calendar year with local groundwater in fair shape and reserves of imported water banked in Semitropic Water Storage District located near Bakersfield, according to the County.
“However, with so little water available in the state’s water system, some imported water allocations will likely be zero, or very limited,” the press release states. “On average, 55 percent of the county’s water supply comes from the Sierra Nevada watershed, with 40 percent conveyed directly through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.”
The district is expecting to face a number of operational challenges given the dry conditions. Poor water quality in the Delta and in San Luis Reservoir is also expected to affect treatment plant operations. Locally, several creeks are drying as water levels in local reservoirs have dropped to 54 percent of the 20-year average. Staff is coordinating closely with fishery agencies to manage these limited surface water supplies, the press release states.
In addition to the preliminary water reduction target, the board authorized the district’s chief executive to spend $500,000 to augment the agency’s water conservation programs and related public outreach. The district will work with local cities and retail water agencies to intensify conservation and outreach programs.
The board also directed staff to evaluate the establishment of an ad hoc water conservation committee consisting of three of its seven members, to review the water conservation needs on a more frequent basis and to consider greater measures to promote and incentivize water use reductions.
The chief executive officer was also authorized to take and initiate local, state and federal legislative and administrative positions and pursue funding opportunities for water supply projects which will accelerate the adoption of direct potable reuse of recycled waste water and enhance water supply reliability in support of the governor’s drought declaration.
Programs and conservation tips can be found at http://www.valleywater.org/programs/waterconservation.aspx and at save20gallons.org.
The Santa Clara Valley Water District manages an integrated water resources system that includes the supply of clean, safe water, flood protection and stewardship of streams on behalf of Santa Clara County’s 1.8 million residents. The district effectively manages 10 dams and surface water reservoirs, three water treatment plants, a state-of-the-art water quality laboratory, nearly 400 acres of groundwater recharge ponds and more than 275 miles of streams. It provides wholesale water and groundwater management services to local municipalities and private water retailers who deliver drinking water directly to homes and businesses throughout Santa Clara County.