The Forum Club has moved to this residence at 2670 Dryden

– When Adult Social Forum Club owner Deena Luce said she was
moving out of Gilroy, apparently she didn’t mean far from the city
The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department, the County Zoning
Enforcement office and the County Counsel have begun an
investigation of the sex club after residents in the rural area on
the northeast side of the city began complaining of late night
parties on the weekends.
GILROY – When Adult Social Forum Club owner Deena Luce said she was moving out of Gilroy, apparently she didn’t mean far from the city limits.

The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department, the County Zoning Enforcement office and the County Counsel have begun an investigation of the sex club after residents in the rural area on the northeast side of the city began complaining of late night parties on the weekends.

“We’re very, very irritated,” neighbor Frank Caliri said. “We don’t want to live in an immoral atmosphere.”

Residents on Dryden Avenue in unincorporated Gilroy now are complaining about the same problems Gilroy residents had when The Forum was operating on Monterey Road a month ago. According to neighbor Yawan Smith, more than 50 cars have been showing up for the last three Friday and Saturday nights at the club’s new location, a pink adobe-style home resting on 10 acres at 2670 Dryden Ave.

The Forum, a club offers swingers an opportunity to swap partners, left south Gilroy Nov. 8 after receiving numerous city citations for operating a business without a license and being handed a temporary injunction in October. Luce is scheduled to appear in court Dec. 12 for the 20 citations and an injunction hearing. The club is open from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights and charges $40 to $60 for entrance.

District 1 Supervisor Don Gage’s office heard about The Forum’s relocation from several concerned neighbors, and Gage said the county is looking at what codes, if any, the club is breaking.

“We are aware of it, and we are taking action,” he said. “Our zoning enforcement people are working on it.”

Investigators are trying to find out whether the club legally can operate.

“We’re not worried so much with what they are doing, but whether they can legally do it,” said Rachael Gibson, the land-use policy aide for Gage’s office.

Smith said the club began operating at its new location three weeks ago, but was left with a bad impression the day they moved in.

“I went over and tried to talk to them – you know, like you go to meet new neighbors – and they went the other way,” Smith said. “They don’t want to talk to anyone.”

Gravel was laid to make a parking lot in the back yard at the house at 2670 Dryden, but neighbors said cars have been parked up and down the narrow road, and car lights pulling out of the parking lot have kept neighbors awake all night.

“They even parked in my driveway,” Smith said.

Gage said the process of getting The Forum out of the neighborhood at Dryden Avenue would be similar to what happened in Gilroy.

“They have to go through the same process as the city,” Gage said. “They have to have a use permit. I don’t believe they’re authorized for that type of usage.”

Who owns the property at Dryden isn’t clear yet. The property is registered under Ilyas Absar, who was not available for comment. The mailing address listed by the county assessor’s office is under Muhammed and Kanwal Irfan of San Jose. Muhammed Irfan was surprised to hear that neighbors were complaining, but said he is not in charge of the land.

“There is a property issue,” he said. “Someone else owns that.”

The Forum is being investigated for operating a business on land zoned for agriculture. Agricultural lands are available for many purposes, including raising livestock, agricultural research, dairies and butcheries.

Luce did not return phone calls.

Private and non-profit clubs are allowed on agricultural lands, but the used must be limited and have the interest of the local community. If the county finds The Forum doesn’t fit any proper land usage, it will be told to cease and desist. The club has not been issued a citation at the new location.

“We have to go through the process. We have to notify them and give them time to move out,” Gage said. “If they don’t, then we will cite them. Unfortunately, that’s the way it is.”

County and zoning investigator Jim Lanz has just begun to investigate the property, but hasn’t been to the property during business hours.

“My take is that we will be contacting the land owner and telling them they need to get out within 14 days,” he said.

For the neighbors at Dryden, The Forum can’t be moved out fast enough.

“We’re trying to figure out what we can do to get them out of the neighborhood,” Smith said. “(Why don’t they) go out in the middle of … somewhere else? I hear Amsterdam is a good place.”

Neighbors said they fear the club will have a negative effect on the neighborhood.

“I think you should do what you want with your land.” Smith said. “But to (have parties) every weekend night and have loud music playing, people yelling and parking on your property? No. That’s uncool.

“It isn’t just one neighbor complaining. It’s everyone.”

Smith also worries that having a club like The Forum in the neighborhood with lead to more issues, including drunken drivers or drugs.

“When you have that type of morality, what else is going to come here?” Smith asked. “I worry about my neighbor’s kids. That isn’t something you want to be around.”

Caliri, who has grandchildren, agrees.

“It’s not the right thing for our children,” he said. “What do you tell them? You don’t want that.”

Hearing that Gage’s office is beginning to investigate the matter made Caliri feel better, but he knows it will take some time to get the club out of his neighborhood.

“We’re not used to something like this. We don’t want this kind of a black mark,” Caliri said. “I think the only way to get rid of these suckers is to keep at it.”

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