A man’s 3-year-old roan quarter horse stallion was stolen from a
locked corral on the 500 block of Live Oak Avenue in Morgan Hill,
between 3 p.m. Friday and 4:30 a.m. Saturday. The horse was found
nearby running loose.
Other sheriff’s incidents
The letters “HO” were scratched into the hood of a 2004 silver Ford Taurus on the 1400 block of Buena Vista Avenue, causing about $500 in damage, between 10 a.m. Saturday and 12 a.m. Sunday.
About $1,500 worth of a man’s oat hay crop was damaged when a person drove a vehicle into his field, between 5 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday, near Dougherty and Live Oak avenues in Morgan Hill.
A $260 vacuum was stolen from a garage and a $170 stereo was stolen from a 1998 black Ford pickup truck, both on the 9400 block of Kern Avenue, between 9 and 9:30 p.m. Saturday.
A 30-year-old San Jose man is suspected to have broken into a man’s home on the 1600 block of San Pedro in Morgan Hill and taken $1,778 worth of tools and materials, between Dec. 25, 2008 and Jan. 1, 2009.
A cordless red hand drill worth $250 was stolen from a tool shed on the 5000 block of Little Uvas Road in Morgan Hill, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. Jan. 21. The door to the shed was forced open, breaking the door jamb.
Welding tools worth $8,923 were stolen from a shed on the 12300 block of Llagas Avenue in San Martin, between 6 p.m. Jan. 19 and 8:44 a.m. Jan. 20. The locks to the shed and front gate had been cut and forced open.
Found property
A bag of ammunition was dropped off at the South County Sheriff’s Substation, 80 Highland Ave., 3:15 p.m. Saturday.
Recovered stolen vehicle
A 1989 maroon GMC Sierra was found near Casa de Fruta Parkway and Pachecho Pass Highway in Hollister, 12:13 p.m. Saturday.
Identity theft
A Gilroy man received a call from his bank alerting him that someone in Riverside was trying to use his Bank of America Visa card, between 12 a.m. Jan. 20 and 4:30 p.m. Friday.
A Gilroy man whose social security number was compromised and used to open various accounts in 11 different locations across the country, between 12 p.m. Oct. 22 and 9:50 a.m. Thursday, was notified by the IRS that he owed nearly $19,000 in taxes on those accounts.
Grand theft horse
A man’s 3-year-old roan quarter horse stallion was stolen from a locked corral on the 500 block of Live Oak Avenue in Morgan Hill, between 3 p.m. Friday and 4:30 a.m. Saturday. The horse was found nearby running loose.
Auto burglary
A 1997 red Mercury Cougar was burglarized on the 10000 block of Pacheco Pass Highway in Hollister, between 9:30 p.m. Jan. 21 and 4:50 a.m. Thursday. Thieves shattered the vehicle’s passenger side window.
Lost or stolen license plate
A man reported he lost the license plate off a 1993 white Volkswagon Eurovan camper parked on the 8400 block of Burchell Road, between 9:20 p.m. Aug. 17 and 11 a.m. Thursday.