Buying locally means a portion of the sales tax stays in
This holiday season, you can purchase presents for family and friends and help your community at the same time by shopping locally.
When you buy gifts at local retailers, a portion of the sales tax you pay stays in town and funds important services like police, fire, recreation, parks, road maintenance, and more.
When you buy gifts online or out of town, your community doesn’t enjoy that sales tax benefit.
But that’s hardly the only benefit of shopping locally.
Patronizing local businesses helps to encourage a vibrant local retail environment, encouraging more retailers to give our community a chance, which, in turn, further boosts sales taxes filling the city’s coffers.
Many local retail shops are owned by local small businessmen and women. Supporting their shops directly helps these entrepreneurs who are our friends and neighbors. Supporting their shops also boosts competition and supports innovation.
Many people simply head to the malls north of us and don’t give the local shops a chance. Browse the boutiques and antique stores for an afternoon, you might be surprised to find a treasure.
Remember, too, that retailers big and small employ many South County residents, providing employment and stability for local families. Often, retail jobs are filled by workers who are new to the job market.
Studies show that locally owned businesses support local charities at a much higher rate. In addition, locally owned businesses are likely to purchases supplies and services from other locally owned businesses, multiplying the effect of your purchase.
Not only that, shopping locally is better for the environment, because it reduces gasoline usage and greenhouse gas emissions.
It’s clear that every dollar you spend locally spreads throughout our community, doing good in myriad ways.
So, to the greatest extent possible, do your holiday shopping at local retailers. And then, make a New Year’s resolution to continue the practice throughout 2008.